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Uncharted PC Collection Revealed: Lara's Adventures

By Mazen "Mithrie" Turkmani
Published: September 1, 2021 at 1:23 PM BST

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Apparently the Uncharted PC Collection has leaked and is said to include all 5 games, Windows 11 is launching 05 Oct 2021, and the Twitch Protest for #ADayOffTwitch is happening today.

Uncharted PC Collection

The Uncharted series is apparently coming to PC, and it has been leaked that the Uncharted Collection will include all five games. If you haven't had a chance to check out the Uncharted series, I would highly recommend them. The way I used to describe them is as Dude Raider. It's basically like Tomb Raider, but with Nathan Drake, and they are a really good series of games and all the games are connected. They have a continuous story. It's worth starting from the very beginning, even if at this point its very much dated. It's better to do it oldest to newest in my opinion, and they get better and better and better with the newer games also, in my opinion.

Uncharted is a beloved action-adventure video game series developed by Naughty Dog and published by Sony Interactive Entertainment. The series follows the adventures of treasure hunter Nathan Drake as he travels the world in search of lost cities, ancient artifacts, and answers to historical mysteries. The games are known for their cinematic storytelling, engaging characters, and stunning visuals.

The release of the Uncharted PC Collection is a significant move as it brings the popular series to a new audience. Until now, the Uncharted games have been exclusive to PlayStation consoles, making them inaccessible to PC gamers. The decision to bring the series to PC demonstrates the growing importance of the platform in the gaming industry and the desire to reach a wider player base.

The Uncharted Collection includes all five mainline games in the series: Uncharted: Drake's Fortune, Uncharted 2: Among Thieves, Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception, Uncharted 4: A Thief's End, and Uncharted: The Lost Legacy. Each game offers a unique and thrilling adventure, filled with action, exploration, and puzzle-solving.

Starting from the very beginning is recommended for players new to the series, as it allows them to experience the evolution of the gameplay mechanics, storytelling, and character development. Despite being a bit dated, Uncharted: Drake's Fortune still stands as a solid introduction to the series and sets the stage for the subsequent games.

As players progress through the series, they witness the growth and development of Nathan Drake, the series' charismatic protagonist. The story explores his relationships with other characters, such as his mentor Victor Sullivan and love interest Elena Fisher. The narrative unfolds like a Hollywood blockbuster, with epic set pieces, intense action sequences, and emotional moments.

The Uncharted series is also known for its stunning visuals and immersive environments. From lush jungles to ancient ruins to bustling cities, each game takes players to breathtaking locations around the world. The attention to detail and meticulously crafted landscapes create a sense of realism and make exploration a joy.

With the release of the Uncharted PC Collection, PC gamers will finally have the opportunity to experience one of the most acclaimed video game series of all time. Whether you are a fan of action-adventure games, enjoy rich storytelling, or simply want to embark on an unforgettable journey, the Uncharted series is not to be missed.

Windows 11 Release Date

The next bit of news for today is apparently Windows 11 is launching on 05 Oct 2021, so soon we'll be able to get hands on it. It will be a free upgrade for Windows 10 users. It wouldn't be necessarily made available to all Windows 10 users on 05 Oct 2021. There's going to be a staggered roll out over the next few months, but I'm curious about it. And because of Microsoft and Xbox's experience with gaming, they have said that Windows 11 will be the best gaming platform ever when it comes to Windows.

Windows 11 is the latest operating system developed by Microsoft and is set to introduce a range of new features and improvements. The announcement of its release date has generated excitement among Windows users who are eager to upgrade and experience the new functionalities.

One of the key highlights of Windows 11 is its focus on gaming. Microsoft and Xbox's expertise in the gaming industry have allowed them to optimize the new operating system to deliver an enhanced gaming experience. Windows 11 will offer improved performance, better graphics, and advanced gaming features that will make it the best gaming platform ever for Windows users. Gamers can look forward to smoother gameplay, reduced latency, and support for cutting-edge technologies.

In addition to gaming improvements, Windows 11 brings a fresh and modern design to the operating system. The user interface has been revamped with a centered Start menu, new taskbar, and redesigned windows. The new design is aimed at providing a more intuitive and streamlined user experience. Windows 11 also introduces new productivity features, such as enhanced multitasking capabilities, virtual desktops, and a new Snap Layouts feature that allows users to organize and manage their windows more efficiently.

Windows 11 will be available as a free upgrade for eligible Windows 10 users. However, it's important to note that the upgrade won't be immediately available to all Windows 10 users on October 5th. Microsoft has planned a staggered rollout over the coming months to ensure a smooth and seamless transition for users. This approach allows Microsoft to address any potential compatibility issues and provide support to users during the upgrade process.

Although some users might be hesitant to switch to a new operating system, keeping your operating system up to date is generally advisable. Upgrading to Windows 11 will ensure that you have access to the latest features, performance improvements, and security updates. Microsoft is committed to supporting Windows 11 and will provide regular updates and patches to address any potential issues or vulnerabilities.

With its release just around the corner, Windows 11 promises to be an exciting update for Windows users. Whether you are a gamer, a professional, or an everyday user, the new features and enhancements offered by Windows 11 are worth exploring. Make sure to check for eligibility and stay updated on the rollout timeline to ensure a smooth transition to the new operating system.

Twitch Protest #ADayOffTwitch

And then the last bit of news for today is today is the day, where a lot of content creators are just not streaming on Twitch in the #ADayOffTwitch strike, and it's in regards to the ongoing hate raids against marginalized streamers. If you don't know, over the last few weeks, people have been botted with hate messages, and the hate messages include racist comments and horrible comments, basically. And it seems to be a site-wide problem.

Twitch, a popular streaming platform, has been experiencing an alarming rise in hate raids, targeting marginalized streamers with a flood of hateful and discriminatory messages. This ongoing issue has sparked the #ADayOffTwitch strike, where content creators are refraining from streaming on the platform and urging Twitch to take stronger action against hate raids.

Hate raids involve malicious users utilizing automated bots to inundate streamers' chat rooms with racist, sexist, and other offensive messages, creating a hostile and unsafe environment. These attacks have a significant impact on the mental health and well-being of streamers, causing distress and discouraging them from continuing their activities on Twitch.

The #ADayOffTwitch strike serves as both a protest against Twitch's perceived lack of action and a call for greater accountability. Content creators and their supporters are expressing their frustration with the platform's response to hate raids, which they believe has been inadequate and too slow. Many argue that Twitch should implement stricter moderation policies, enhance their systems to detect and prevent hate raids, and take harsher measures against the perpetrators.

While some may question the effectiveness of a one-day strike, the goal of the protest is not to shut down Twitch but rather to draw attention to the issue and apply pressure on the platform to address it more urgently. By collectively abstaining from streaming and even refraining from visiting the platform, participants hope to show Twitch the impact that hate raids have on their community and emphasize the need for prompt action.

It's important to note that the #ADayOffTwitch strike does not intend to disrupt the activities of content creators who may have contractual obligations or exclusive streaming deals with Twitch. The focus is on raising awareness and encouraging Twitch to prioritize the safety and well-being of all its users, particularly marginalized streamers who are disproportionately targeted by hate raids.

The response to the #ADayOffTwitch strike has been significant, with numerous content creators joining the protest and spreading awareness through social media platforms and other channels. The strike serves as a reminder that hate and discrimination have no place in online communities and that platforms like Twitch have a responsibility to create a safe and inclusive environment for all users.

In conclusion, the Uncharted PC Collection's arrival on PC, the upcoming release of Windows 11, and the #ADayOffTwitch strike are all significant events in the gaming and streaming industry. The Uncharted series's PC release opens up a beloved franchise to a new audience, while Windows 11 promises improved gaming capabilities and a modernized user experience. The #ADayOffTwitch strike highlights the urgent need for platforms to address the issue of hate raids and protect marginalized streamers. These developments indicate the constant evolution and challenges faced within the world of gaming and online communities.

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Author Details

Photo of Mazen 'Mithrie' Turkmani

Mazen "Mithrie" Turkmani

I have been creating gaming content since August 2013, and went full-time in 2018. Since then, I have published hundreds of gaming news videos and articles. I have had a passion for gaming for more than 30 years!

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Use of Automated Content uses AI tools such as ChatGPT and Google Gemini to increase the length of articles for further readablity. The news itself is kept accurate by manual review from Mazen Turkmani.

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The news stories on are selected by me based on their relevance to the gaming community. I strive to present the news in a fair and unbiased manner, and I always link to the original source of the news story or provide screenshots in the video above.