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FFXIV Endwalker Congestion: Server Struggles Addressed

By Mazen "Mithrie" Turkmani
Published: December 5, 2021 at 2:41 PM GMT

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FFXIV Endwalker has had a lot of server congestion issues during Early Access, Square Enix and Sia have collaborated on a version of Fly Me To The Moon, and videogamedunkey is a content creator you should check out.

FFXIV Endwalker Congestion

FFXIV Endwalker, the highly anticipated expansion for the popular MMO Final Fantasy XIV, launched with ongoing congestion issues during its early access phase. Players have been experiencing long server queues, but what's even more frustrating is that the queue can get interrupted, and players are thrown back to the end of the line. Imagine waiting patiently in a queue with 5000 other players for over an hour, only to get disconnected and find yourself right back at the beginning. The situation has left many players feeling frustrated and disappointed.

In response to the congestion issues, Naoki Yoshida, also known as Yoshi P, the director of Final Fantasy XIV, addressed the problem in a blog post. He explained the reasons behind the congestion and announced that as compensation for the inconvenience, all purchasers of the Endwalker expansion with an active subscription will receive seven days of free game time. This gesture is appreciated by the community, as it shows the developers' acknowledgement of the problem and their commitment to making things right.

However, while the compensation is a positive step, players are eager for a prompt resolution to the congestion issues. It is not uncommon for MMO launches, especially expansions, to encounter such problems initially. The sheer number of players trying to access the game simultaneously overwhelms the capacity of the servers. To make matters worse, as MMOs continue to gain popularity and attract more players, the challenge of managing server load becomes more complex.

The developers of MMOs face a daunting task in anticipating and preparing for the influx of players during major launches. Infrastructure upgrades, server optimizations, and extensive stress testing are just some of the measures they take to ensure a smooth experience for players. Despite these efforts, however, it is nearly impossible to predict and prevent every issue that may arise.

In the case of FFXIV Endwalker, the congestion issues are unfortunate but not unexpected. The high demand for the expansion, coupled with the excitement surrounding its release, has resulted in an overwhelming number of players trying to log in simultaneously. This sudden surge in traffic puts immense strain on the servers, leading to long queues and disruptions.

Nevertheless, players can take solace in knowing that the developers are actively working to resolve the congestion issues. As the initial rush subsides and the player base spreads out, the burden on the servers should gradually lessen. It is important to remain patient and understanding during this turbulent period, as the developers are likely doing everything in their power to address the issue and provide a smoother experience for players.

FFXIV Sia Fly Me To The Moon

Moving on to another exciting development in the world of Final Fantasy XIV, Square Enix has collaborated with the renowned artist Sia on a version of the classic song "Fly Me To The Moon" for the game. Originally released in the 1950s, this timeless song has been covered and utilized in various contexts throughout the years. It gained widespread recognition when Frank Sinatra recorded it in the 1960s to commemorate the moon landing. More recently, it was featured in the popular TV series Squid Game and even served as the ending theme for the game Bayonetta.

Now, Final Fantasy XIV players can enjoy a new rendition of "Fly Me To The Moon" by Sia. Known for her powerful vocals and unique musical style, Sia brings a fresh perspective to this beloved song. The collaboration between Square Enix and Sia is a testament to the game's continued efforts to provide an immersive and memorable experience for players. Whether you're a fan of Final Fantasy XIV or simply appreciate great music, Sia's version of "Fly Me To The Moon" is certainly worth checking out.

videogamedunkey Feature

This week, we would like to shine a spotlight on an influential content creator in the gaming community - videogamedunkey. Primarily known as a YouTuber, videogamedunkey also streams regularly on Twitch and has amassed a massive following on both platforms. His content predominantly revolves around comedic video game reviews, and he fearlessly expresses his opinions and criticisms, even regarding controversial aspects of certain games.

What sets videogamedunkey apart from other content creators is his dedication to producing high-quality videos. His creative approach and attention to detail make each video a truly entertaining experience. Whether he's sharing hilarious moments, dissecting game mechanics, or offering insightful commentary, his content resonates with viewers. It's no surprise that his videos consistently garner millions of views, with some even surpassing the 10 million mark.

As a long-time fan of videogamedunkey, I can personally attest to his ability to captivate his audience. Once you start watching one of his videos, it's easy to get drawn into his unique style and find yourself binge-watching a multitude of them. His passion for gaming, combined with his comedic talent, results in highly enjoyable and memorable content.

If you haven't already, I highly recommend checking out videogamedunkey's channel on YouTube. You're bound to find a wealth of entertaining videos that offer a fresh perspective on the gaming world. Prepare to be entertained and enlightened as you delve into the captivating world of videogamedunkey.

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Author Details

Photo of Mazen 'Mithrie' Turkmani

Mazen "Mithrie" Turkmani

I have been creating gaming content since August 2013, and went full-time in 2018. Since then, I have published hundreds of gaming news videos and articles. I have had a passion for gaming for more than 30 years!

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The news stories on are selected by me based on their relevance to the gaming community. I strive to present the news in a fair and unbiased manner, and I always link to the original source of the news story or provide screenshots in the video above.