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Diablo IV Delayed: Hellish Wait Extended for Fans - Video Page

By Mazen (Mithrie) Turkmani
Published: November 3, 2021 at 12:53 PM GMT

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New World has had to disable gold and in game item trading between players because of a gold duplication bug that's currently in the game. There was a bug previously and that was fixed, but then it just resulted in a new bug that allowed players to duplicate gold, so they're working on it. Hopefully it will be fixed sooner than later so that the economy can get back to normal, because if these things go unchecked, then before you know, every player in the game is going to have infinite money and then the economy will just be destroyed. They have to actually try and balance it out. And that's not just New World that's at any and all games. The next bit of news for today is Crystal Dynamics have actually decided to roll back a change which included a cash shop. I don't want to say pay to win, so let me clarify. They tweeted out saying that "We have decided that by the end of today we will remove Heroes Catalyst and Fragment Extractors for purchase. We apologize for not responding sooner to your concerns about the additional paid consumables in the marketplace. We introduced them as an option for an evolving player base. We don't see them as pay to win since they don't offer power directly. After considering your feedback, we have decided that by the end of today we will remove Heroes Catalyst and Fragment Extractors for purchase. They will continue to be earnable rewards and those already owned are still usable. We hope that this can be the first step in rebuilding your confidence in us as a team. It continues to be our goal to make the very best game possible. Thank you for being part of the Marvel's Avengers community." The elimination of cash shops from main line games I think is always welcome. There are some games which all the time have a cash shop in terms of cosmetics and things like that, but the general presence of them should be eliminated, in my opinion. The last bit of news for today is Diablo IV has actually been delayed. With all the ongoing issues at Blizzard, they have delayed Diablo IV and also Overwatch 2, because simply there's been so much turmoil at the company. They just want to give the teams more time. And Diablo IV is specifically, because I'm actually looking forward to that, has been delayed all the way until 2023 potentially. It's nothing new for Blizzard that simply they just release games when they are ready rather than sticking to a fixed schedule of releases. Hopefully, by the time it does actually come out, we will just get a really good game to play.

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Photo of Mazen 'Mithrie' Turkmani

Mazen (Mithrie) Turkmani

I have been creating gaming content since August 2013, and went full-time in 2018. Since then, I have published hundreds of gaming news videos and articles. I have had a passion for gaming for more than 30 years!

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