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Dead Space Remake Release Date: Horror Return Confirmed - Video Page

By Mazen (Mithrie) Turkmani
Published: May 13, 2022 at 2:00 PM BST

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Codemasters tweeted out saying "We can confirm Criterion Games and the development team at Codemasters Cheshire are officially coming together to create the future of Need For Speed, forming one Criterion Studio with two location hubs. This integration builds off the close partnership the two studios have developed over the past few months, sharing common values and similar cultures. We strongly believe unifying the huge wealth of expertise across both teams will help us to deliver the best racing experience we can for our players." If you're a fan of Need For Speed, then know that a new one is on the way. And the next bit of news for today is Bethesda sent out an update saying "We made the decision to delay the launch of the Redfall and Starfield to the first half of 2023. The teams of Arcane Austin (Redfall) and Bethesda Game Studios (Starfield) have incredible ambitions for their games and we want to ensure that you receive the best, most polished versions of them. We want to thank everyone for their excitement for Redfall and Starfield. That energy is a huge part of what inspires all of us every day and drives our own excitement for what we are creating. We can't wait to share our first deep dive into the gameplay for both Redfall and Starfield soon. Thank you for your support." And then Phil Spencer, who is the head of Xbox and Xbox, who are now the owners of Bethesda, said "These decisions are hard on teams making the games and our fans. While I fully support giving teams time to release these great games, when they are ready, we hear the feedback. Delivering quality and consistency is expected. We will continue to work to better meet those expectations." As I said so many times in the Gaming News, more time for more polish is a good thing. It's better to wait for a quality game than receive a completely broken game early. And the last bit of news for today is Dead Space Remake has been confirmed to be releasing on the 27 Jan 2023. Currently the studio behind the game are doing live streams talking in depth about each element of the game, like the graphics, the audio, the art and so on. Anyone who's looking forward to the game can jump in next year.

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Photo of Mazen 'Mithrie' Turkmani

Mazen (Mithrie) Turkmani

I have been creating gaming content since August 2013, and went full-time in 2018. Since then, I have published hundreds of gaming news videos and articles. I have had a passion for gaming for more than 30 years!

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