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Destiny 2 Expands: The Witch Queen Update Incoming

By Mazen "Mithrie" Turkmani
Published: August 25, 2021 at 12:29 PM BST

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Bungie announced the next expansion for Destiny 2 called Witch Queen, EA pledges to give away accessibility Patents to as many studios as they deem fit, and Hideo Kojima celebrates his 58th Birthday with a message.

Destiny 2 The Witch Queen Expansion

Bungie made a major announcement yesterday regarding their popular game, Destiny 2. The new expansion, titled The Witch Queen, is set to launch in February 2022. Excitement was in the air as Bungie hosted a livestream event to showcase the story potential of the upcoming expansion. One key detail that caught the attention of fans was that The Witch Queen will mark the end of the Light and Darkness Saga, a narrative arc that has spanned over a decade in the Destiny universe. This news has left players wondering what lies ahead for the game beyond this milestone.

For fans of Destiny and Destiny 2, The Witch Queen expansion is highly anticipated. It promises to provide a thrilling conclusion to the long-running story that has captivated players for years. Bungie has always been known for their immersive storytelling, and it seems they are pulling out all the stops to deliver a memorable conclusion to this epic saga.

The livestream event unveiled some key details about the upcoming expansion. Players can expect new missions, locations, enemies, and, of course, powerful loot to acquire. Additionally, a new raid will be introduced, providing challenging endgame content for those seeking the ultimate test of their skills. The Witch Queen expansion aims to provide players with countless hours of engaging gameplay and content to explore.

While the end of the Light and Darkness Saga may mark a turning point in Destiny 2, Bungie has reassured fans that the journey will continue. They aim to keep the game fresh with new expansions, updates, and events beyond The Witch Queen. So, even though this chapter may come to a close, players can rest assured that there is much more to come in the ever-evolving world of Destiny 2.

EA Patent Pledge

In a surprising move, gaming giant Electronic Arts (EA) has recently pledged to give away some of its patents related to accessibility in gaming. This initiative is aimed at assisting disabled gamers by providing better accessibility options in video games. While EA will still retain ownership of the patents, they will allow other game studios to use the technology for free, without requiring a license fee.

This announcement is a significant step towards inclusivity in the gaming industry. By sharing their patented accessibility technology, EA is enabling other developers to incorporate these features into their own games. This move has the potential to greatly improve the gaming experience for disabled individuals, making it easier for them to enjoy and fully participate in gaming.

Accessibility in gaming has been an increasingly important topic in recent years. With advancements in technology, developers have been exploring ways to make games more accessible to a wider audience. EA's decision to share their patented technology demonstrates a commitment to fostering a more inclusive gaming community.

While EA reserves the right to choose which studios they will work with, this pledge opens up new possibilities for collaboration and innovation in the industry. By sharing their expertise, EA is setting an example for other companies and encouraging the adoption of accessible gaming practices.

Hideo Kojima Birthday Message

On a lighter note, gaming industry icon Hideo Kojima celebrated his 58th birthday recently. Known for his groundbreaking work in game development, Kojima took a moment to reflect on his journey and share a heartfelt message with his fans.

In a statement, Kojima acknowledged the physical challenges he is facing as he grows older. However, he reassured his supporters that his creative mind remains sharp and his passion for game creation burns bright. Kojima pledged to continue developing games for as long as his mind allows, regardless of the limitations imposed by his physical well-being.

This message from Kojima resonates with his fans, who admire his dedication and artistic vision. Despite the inevitable toll that time takes on the body, Kojima's commitment to his craft serves as an inspiration to aspiring game developers and fans alike. His determination to push boundaries and create unique gaming experiences is a testament to his enduring legacy in the industry.

As Hideo Kojima's birthday celebration reminds us, life is filled with both triumphs and challenges. Yet, it is through these experiences that we find the drive to persevere and create something meaningful. With his unwavering commitment to storytelling and game design, Kojima continues to leave an indelible mark on the gaming landscape.

In conclusion, whether you're a Destiny 2 enthusiast eagerly awaiting The Witch Queen expansion, an advocate for accessibility in gaming celebrating EA's patent pledge, or a fan of Hideo Kojima admiring his dedication, it's clear that the gaming industry is always evolving and offering new experiences. These recent events highlight the continued growth, innovation, and passion within the gaming community. As we look to the future, let's celebrate the milestones, embrace inclusivity, and appreciate the creators who make gaming such a remarkable medium.

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Author Details

Photo of Mazen 'Mithrie' Turkmani

Mazen "Mithrie" Turkmani

I have been creating gaming content since August 2013, and went full-time in 2018. Since then, I have published hundreds of gaming news videos and articles. I have had a passion for gaming for more than 30 years!

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