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ESO Introduces DLAA Tech: Visual Upgrades Await - Video Page

By Mazen (Mithrie) Turkmani
Published: September 19, 2021 at 2:39 PM BST

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Video Transcript

Elder Scrolls Online is going to be the first game that features Nvidia's new DLAA technology. What that involves is basically it's like DLSS, which basically will run a native resolution, but it will focus on smoothing edges. DLSS, the idea of it, is to actually get the game to run quicker. You'll see with DLSS it are we gain 50 frames a second, 80 frames per second. Because of DLSS and machine learning technology but DLAA is designed to smooth edges, simple as that. It's nice that they are using this technology in different ways and then eventually it'll be down to user preference of what's more important frame rate or smooth edges. And I think part of the reason why that is happening now is because obviously graphics cards are getting quicker and quicker and quicker, but way quicker than the resolutions are going up. We're not going to really have too many things above 4K anytime soon, right? Not everyone's going to be switching to 8K or higher anytime in the near future. While graphics cards are getting quicker, they might as well focus on smoother graphics and so on. I'm looking forward to seeing how DLAA turns out. The next bit of news for today is Outcast 2 was announced a couple of days ago at the THQ Nordic 10th anniversary live stream. If you don't know what it is, basically Outcast was the very first, in theory, open-world RPG, but it came out in 1999. If you look up the gameplay of the original Outcast game, by today's standards it looks ancient. But I remember playing it back in 1999 and I thought it was amazing. It's nice that they are revitalizing the series and also as well 10 members of the original development team are actually going to be on the new one. Think of it kind of like when you're looking at the trailer for Outcast 2 think of it almost like Mass Effect, but remember that it predates. Outcast was a really, really long time ago and I'm glad that they're breathing new life into the franchise. Simple as that. It was one of those games that I stuck with me in the 90s all the way until now. In fact, I'm actually meaning to replay it at some point. This week's feature is going to be going to my friend Nerd_Logic. Nerd_Logic is a YouTube partner and also a Twitch partner. He plays a variety of games. He's overall a really nice guy and his live streams are very chill. Go hang out with Nerd when you get a chance, say hello to him. Say that I sent you.

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Photo of Mazen 'Mithrie' Turkmani

Mazen (Mithrie) Turkmani

I have been creating gaming content since August 2013, and went full-time in 2018. Since then, I have published hundreds of gaming news videos and articles. I have had a passion for gaming for more than 30 years!

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