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Official Squid Game Video Game: Adaptation Arrives - Video Page

By Mazen (Mithrie) Turkmani
Published: October 16, 2021 at 3:59 PM BST

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FIFA have released a statement saying that more than one party must control all the rights to the FIFA brand. They are referring obviously to EA. EA has developed FIFA games annually for decades now, and the action they've taken against EA is basically now to double the license fee. What that means in money terms is that they want EA to pay them $1 billion every four years to retain exclusive rights to use the FIFA name. And the excuse that FIFA is using is that we want more people to develop more games with the FIFA brand. Now I personally feel that this has got nothing to do with wanting diversity in the gaming industry. I think purely is just a cash grab for the FIFA brand selling their name or franchising the FIFA name. I've got nothing to back that up. That's just my opinion. And maybe they feel that the brand is completely undervalued and if they could get a lot more money, so you will see in the future, we will see if EA say that they just will rename their games. And I think it's a double edged sword because EA football games have been known as FIFA for so long. Even if they rename it to something else. People are just going to refer to it as the latest FIFA game. It's difficult at this point, but we will see what happens in the future. The next bit of news for today is Steam has banned all games which involve NFT, Blockchain or cryptocurrency technology from their platform. I personally have never played any games involve any of those technologies, but it's interesting that Steam have taken this action and I wonder what repercussions that will have in the future because NFTs, Cryptocurrency and Blockchain are legal. What legal standpoint does Valve have to remove them from the platform? We will see where that goes in the future. I think that they're just inviting trouble onto themselves. Not unless they're worried about that technology being used to exploit players. Maybe, possibly. I don't know. And then the last bit of news for today is the creators behind Squid Game are considering making an official video game for the TV show. A lot of spin off games have already happened. Like people have made Squid Game modes in Roblox, MrBeast is planning to make his $2 million Squid Game video on his main channel and stuff like that. It would be interesting if that becomes a thing. I feel that really, if there was an official Squid Game should have come out already or it should have come out with the TV show. I think the longer they leave it, the more difficult it's going to be. And like the hype for the show is going to already start descending. We will see again what happens in the future. A lot of big players are making really big moves, but I feel like none of them are effective, but that's just my opinion.

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Photo of Mazen 'Mithrie' Turkmani

Mazen (Mithrie) Turkmani

I have been creating gaming content since August 2013, and went full-time in 2018. Since then, I have published hundreds of gaming news videos and articles. I have had a passion for gaming for more than 30 years!

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