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MrBeast's Squid Game: YouTuber's Creative Twist

By Mazen "Mithrie" Turkmani
Published: November 25, 2021 at 11:07 AM GMT

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MrBeast's Squid Game video has been released where he recreated all the games from the Netflix show and had 456 people compete for a chance to win $456,000, Hideo Kojima has teased his next project with some speculating that it could be Death Stranding 2, and Xbox Museum is now live where you can login and see the history or even your history on Xbox.

Death Stranding 2 Potentially Teased

Hideo Kojima, the renowned game developer behind Death Stranding, has recently teased what he's working on next. In a tweet, he shared a picture with the caption, "Recently I've been revising the plan and script it and experimenting with everything else," and deliberately made the image blurry. This has sparked speculation among fans and the gaming community about the possibilities of a sequel to Death Stranding, commonly referred to as Death Stranding 2.

Given Kojima's reputation for creating thought-provoking and unique gaming experiences, fans eagerly anticipate any news regarding his future projects. The blurred image shared by Kojima has only fueled the speculation further. Will we witness the unveiling of Death Stranding 2 or possibly a new IP? Perhaps an announcement will be made during The Game Awards, an event in which Kojima has a strong working relationship with Geoff Keighley, the show's creator and host. It remains to be seen what Kojima and his team are truly working on, but the anticipation and excitement are palpable within the gaming community.

Xbox Museum

In other gaming news, Xbox has recently launched the Xbox Museum, an interactive website that takes players on a journey through the history of Xbox. This online platform delves deeply into everything that has transpired within the Xbox ecosystem over the past 20 years. Visitors can explore various milestones, view archival documents, and even log in to see their personal gaming history.

When visiting the Xbox Museum at, users can sign in to view personalized statistics associated with their Xbox journey. It showcases details such as gamer tags, achievements earned, and the year in which one first subscribed to Xbox Live. Notably, the Xbox Museum features a letter from 1999, in which Xbox made an offer to acquire Nintendo, providing users a fascinating glimpse into the past strategies and ambitions of the brand.

This unique initiative by Xbox is commendable and has garnered positive feedback from gamers around the world. The ability to reminisce about one's gaming history and witness the evolution of Xbox as a platform is truly remarkable. Many enthusiasts hope that PlayStation and other gaming platforms will consider a similar endeavor in the future.

MrBeast Squid Game

Switching gears to the world of YouTube, popular content creator MrBeast has once again captivated audiences with his latest video, "MrBeast's Squid Game." Drawing inspiration from the hit Netflix TV show, MrBeast recreated all the intense games from Squid Game in real life. With a budget exceeding $3,500,000, he organized a massive competition involving 456 participants, each vying for a chance to win $456,000.

The video showcases the elaborate sets and immense production value that MrBeast invested in this ambitious project. Alongside the grand prize, he generously distributed prizes of varying amounts to the other contestants, ensuring that everyone involved had something to take away from the experience. The video has been met with overwhelming support and praise from MrBeast's dedicated fanbase.

This project highlights MrBeast's passion for creating unique and captivating content, a quality that has endeared him to millions of viewers worldwide. Beyond his viral videos, MrBeast is also well-known for his charitable endeavors, a factor that has contributed to his widespread popularity and support.

As a long-time supporter of MrBeast, it's no surprise that his content receives recognition and appreciation. His ability to combine entertainment with philanthropy resonates with audiences and inspires others to make a difference in their communities.

In conclusion, the gaming industry continues to thrive with exciting news and developments. Hideo Kojima's enigmatic tweet has left fans eagerly anticipating his next endeavor, with hopes of a potential sequel to Death Stranding or a completely new and innovative project. Xbox's launch of the Xbox Museum provides gamers the opportunity to revisit their personal gaming history and appreciate the evolution of the brand over the past two decades. Finally, MrBeast's Squid Game video showcases his exceptional creativity and commitment to delivering extraordinary experiences to his audience, both in terms of entertainment and philanthropy.

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Author Details

Photo of Mazen 'Mithrie' Turkmani

Mazen "Mithrie" Turkmani

I have been creating gaming content since August 2013, and went full-time in 2018. Since then, I have published hundreds of gaming news videos and articles. I have had a passion for gaming for more than 30 years!

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Use of Automated Content uses AI tools such as ChatGPT and Google Gemini to increase the length of articles for further readablity. The news itself is kept accurate by manual review from Mazen Turkmani.

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The news stories on are selected by me based on their relevance to the gaming community. I strive to present the news in a fair and unbiased manner, and I always link to the original source of the news story or provide screenshots in the video above.