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PlayStation Acquires

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Tesla are looking to integrate Steam, where you can play Steam based games in their cars. I personally think it's a bad idea. Unless cars are not allowed to be in motion when the games are being played. If there's screens on the back seats then fine, but if it's distracts the driver, I think that's a very bad idea. And the next bit of news for today is PlayStation Support is now moving away from Twitter. From the 01 Aug 2022 you'll have to access a different link. If you are interested then you can check out the link in case you want to bookmark it, in case you need PlayStation's help. And the last bit of news for today is PlayStation have acquired is a tournament hosting website where they usually host tournaments for games like League of Legends or Call of Duty Warzone. And they've hosted hundreds of thousands of tournaments with millions of players so far. Hopefully with PlayStation acquiring them, they'll be able to bring their expertise towards PlayStation based games. If there's any more information about that in the future, I'll be sure to report on the Gaming News.

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