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Tencent Acquires Sumo Digital: Shift in Gaming Landscape

By Mazen "Mithrie" Turkmani
Published: July 19, 2021 at 12:50 PM BST

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Tencent acquires Sumo Digital the developer behind 'LittleBigPlanet' for $1.27 billion, XCOM: Legends a free to play mobile game is available in some regions, and Rainbow Six Extraction is delayed until Jan 2022.

Tencent Acquires Sumo Digital

In recent news, Tencent, the publisher behind popular online games like PUBG Mobile, has acquired Sumo Digital, a British game developer known for its work on titles such as Little Big Planet. The acquisition came with a hefty price tag of $1.27 billion, which amounts to approximately ÂÂŖ900 million. This move by Tencent further demonstrates their eagerness to expand their presence in the gaming industry.

Just a few days ago, we reported on Tencent's attempts to acquire some of their rivals in China. It is clear that Tencent is on a mission to establish its dominance in the global gaming market. With the acquisition of Sumo Digital, they have added another reputable development studio to their roster.

Sumo Digital is no stranger to success in the gaming industry. The studio's work on the critically acclaimed game Little Big Planet, among others, has garnered them a loyal fan base and recognition for their talent. Tencent's acquisition of Sumo Digital not only adds to their portfolio of developers but also strengthens their foothold in the Western gaming market.

The acquisition also speaks volumes about Tencent's financial prowess. With a purchase of this magnitude, it is evident that they have significant resources at their disposal. This acquisition could potentially pave the way for even greater developments in the gaming industry with Tencent's deep pockets supporting Sumo Digital's creative endeavors.

XCOM: Legends

In other gaming news, fans of the popular XCOM franchise have something new to look forward to. The latest addition to the series, XCOM Legends, is a free-to-play mobile game. While XCOM games are traditionally known for their strategic gameplay on PC and consoles, this shift to the mobile platform opens up new opportunities for fans and newcomers alike.

The arrival of XCOM Legends on mobile devices could potentially attract a larger player base due to the accessibility and popularity of mobile gaming. This move also demonstrates the industry's recognition of the growing influence of the mobile gaming market. With XCOM Legends now available for download in certain territories, fans can dive into the strategic world of XCOM on their smartphones and tablets.

While it is too early to provide a comprehensive review of XCOM Legends, fans of the franchise can expect similar gameplay mechanics and immersion that the series is known for. The shift to mobile devices may come with some adjustments to accommodate the different platform, but it also presents an opportunity for the developers to explore new mechanics and features unique to mobile gaming.

Rainbow Six Extraction Delayed

In a disappointing turn of events for fans eagerly awaiting the release of Rainbow Six Extraction, Ubisoft has announced a delay in the game's launch until January 2022.* This news follows the recent delay of another Ubisoft title, Riders Republic, which is now set to release in October. While game delays can be disheartening for fans, they often result in higher quality and more polished experiences.

Ubisoft's decision to delay Rainbow Six Extraction indicates their commitment to delivering a game that meets the high expectations of players. The developers want to ensure that the final product is polished and ready for a smooth gameplay experience. With the complexity of modern game development, delays are sometimes necessary to address any lingering issues and optimize the game for release.

Rainbow Six Extraction promises to be an exhilarating and cooperative first-person shooter experience, building on the tactical gameplay of the Rainbow Six Siege franchise. By taking players to a new setting and introducing an alien threat, Ubisoft has been working diligently to create a fresh take on the Rainbow Six universe. The delay until January 2022 may be disappointing to fans, but it also gives the developers additional time to refine and improve the game.

In conclusion, Tencent's acquisition of Sumo Digital for a staggering $1.27 billion showcases their commitment to expanding their presence in the gaming industry. The addition of Sumo Digital to Tencent's portfolio strengthens their position in the Western gaming market and opens up new possibilities for future collaborations. Furthermore, the release of XCOM Legends as a free-to-play mobile game brings the XCOM franchise to a wider audience and highlights the growing importance of mobile gaming. Lastly, while the delay of Rainbow Six Extraction may be disappointing, it ultimately serves the purpose of delivering a higher quality game.

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Author Details

Photo of Mazen 'Mithrie' Turkmani

Mazen "Mithrie" Turkmani

I have been creating gaming content since August 2013, and went full-time in 2018. Since then, I have published hundreds of gaming news videos and articles. I have had a passion for gaming for more than 30 years!

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