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Crimson Desert Delayed

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Capcom have announced record profits in the last quarter because of the successes of Resident Evil Village and also Monster Hunter Rise. We did cover this before, but it's now, let's say, official. Good for Capcom that things are going so well right now. And the next bit of news also about Capcom is that they are actually asking players via survey on their official website, do players want another Ace Attorney game? But they're asking for reasons as to why going into details about each concept of the game, what they like about it, don't like about it, what could be improved and so on. They recently remastered, I believe, all the Ace Attorney games, and they are now looking to see should they make a new one. Do people really want it? Do players really want it? And then the last bit of news for today is the upcoming prequel to Black Desert Online called Crimson Desert has been delayed, simple as that. They need more time to work on it. And right now as well, Pearl Abyss is going through some changes with who is providing Black Desert in different regions and stuff like that. So they have some things that they want to do, but they have released on their official Twitter a statement to say why it's been delayed and go into more detail about it. Simple as that. I personally am really looking forward to Crimson Desert. The original trailers look absolutely fantastic. I do like the combat design of Black Desert, so it will be translated into Crimson Desert with a new feel. And overall it just looks like a beautiful game. I am looking forward to it.

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