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Nintendo Switch Dominates: Japan's Market in Lead

By Mazen "Mithrie" Turkmani
Published: August 16, 2021 at 12:59 PM BST

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Amazon Games have stepped back from a policy that allowed them to claim rights to games created by their employees outside of work, Xbox will have it's own live stream at Gamescom 2021 on 24 Aug 2021, and Nintendo Switch dominates games sales in Japan with all top 30 best selling games being Nintendo made.

Amazon Games Policy Change

Amazon Games recently made headlines with a controversial rule that allowed the company to claim ownership of personal game projects created by their employees outside of work. This policy sparked outrage within the gaming community, and rightfully so. Thankfully, Amazon Games has since reconsidered their stance and backtracked on this rule.

The initial idea behind the policy was that any game created by an employee, regardless of whether it was developed during their free time, would be considered the property of Amazon Games. This raised numerous ethical concerns and infringed upon the creative freedom of their employees. As someone who has worked as a game developer, I find it appalling that companies often overstep their boundaries when it comes to employee rights and ownership.

The fact that Amazon Games even entertained the idea of claiming ownership over personal projects speaks volumes about how some development studios view their employees. Many companies treat their staff as if they are incapable of independent thought and creativity, essentially restricting them from pursuing any personal projects outside of work. This mindset is not only disrespectful to the talents and expertise of their employees, but it also creates an oppressive working environment.

Fortunately, Amazon Games realized their mistake and publicly acknowledged that their decision was misguided. They cited a lack of information and experience at the time the policy was implemented as the reason for their misjudgment. While it is commendable that they rectified the situation, the fact that the rule was even considered in the first place is concerning.

As the gaming industry continues to grow, it is essential for companies to recognize and respect the rights of their employees. Developers should be encouraged to pursue personal projects and explore their creativity outside of the confines of their employment. By fostering a supportive and empowering work environment, companies can fuel innovation and allow their employees to thrive.

Gamescom 2021 Xbox Stream

In other news, Xbox has confirmed its participation in Gamescom 2021. They will be hosting an opening livestream on August 24, 2021, one day before the official opening ceremony of the event. Fans and gamers alike can mark their calendars for this exciting announcement.

Gamescom is one of the biggest gaming conventions in the world, showcasing the latest and greatest in the gaming industry. Many developers and publishers take advantage of this platform to unveil new games, showcase trailers, and provide updates on upcoming projects. With Xbox's presence at this event, fans can expect some exciting announcements and reveals.

While specific details about what Xbox will showcase during their livestream are yet to be revealed, it is safe to assume that they will highlight their upcoming game releases, provide gameplay demos, and perhaps even unveil some surprise announcements. As the event draws nearer, more information will undoubtedly be shared, building anticipation among gamers worldwide.

Nintendo Switch Dominates Japan

Lastly, let's talk about the incredible success of the Nintendo Switch in Japan. Nintendo's hybrid console has been an undisputed hit since its release, and it continues to dominate the Japanese gaming market. In a surprising feat, the top 30 best-selling games in Japan currently consist entirely of Nintendo titles, a phenomenon not seen since 1988.

Nintendo recently announced that they have sold over 80 million Nintendo Switch consoles worldwide, making it the third highest-selling console of all time. What's even more impressive is their projected goal of selling an additional 20 million units by March 2022, which would surpass the sales figures of the legendary Nintendo Wii and secure the Nintendo Switch as the second best-selling console in history.

The immense success of the Nintendo Switch shouldn't come as a surprise, especially in Japan. Nintendo has long been a dominant force in the country, earning a dedicated fanbase throughout the decades. However, the fact that all of the top-selling games in Japan are from Nintendo is a testament to the company's unparalleled influence and popularity in the region.

Nintendo's ability to capture the hearts of gamers with their innovative consoles and beloved franchises has undoubtedly contributed to their ongoing success. With a vast library of exclusive titles, including iconic franchises such as Mario, Pokemon, and The Legend of Zelda, Nintendo has consistently delivered high-quality gaming experiences that resonate with players of all ages.

As the Nintendo Switch continues to break records and solidify its place in gaming history, it is a testament to Nintendo's commitment to creating memorable gaming experiences. Their remarkable achievements should serve as inspiration to the industry as a whole, highlighting the importance of quality games and fostering a loyal and passionate community.

In conclusion, the reversal of Amazon Games' controversial policy regarding employee creations outside of work reflects a necessary step towards respecting the creative rights and freedom of game developers. Xbox's presence at Gamescom 2021 promises exciting announcements and reveals, while the Nintendo Switch's dominance in Japan only reinforces the company's enduring legacy and impact on the gaming industry.

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Author Details

Photo of Mazen 'Mithrie' Turkmani

Mazen "Mithrie" Turkmani

I have been creating gaming content since August 2013, and went full-time in 2018. Since then, I have published hundreds of gaming news videos and articles. I have had a passion for gaming for more than 30 years!

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The news stories on are selected by me based on their relevance to the gaming community. I strive to present the news in a fair and unbiased manner, and I always link to the original source of the news story or provide screenshots in the video above.