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Epic Games Appeals Legal Battle: Fortnite's Saga Continues - Video Page

By Mazen (Mithrie) Turkmani
Published: September 13, 2021 at 1:56 PM BST

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Video Transcript

An update to my previous reporting. I previously said that Epic Games were ordered to pay some of Apple's legal fees, but that was completely incorrect. Epic Games, the reason they did the lawsuit versus Apple was because the Fortnite app was thrown off of the Apple App Store because they put in their own payment method circumventing the Apple payment method, which they were obliged to use. And the judge ruled that they in fact, have to pay Apple the 30% of the income they received during the time that Fortnite was on the iOS, but they switched payment method to their own. That's what sparked the whole lawsuit. But the lawsuit also came out and said and the judgment came out and said that Apple should allow third party payment processors from now on. But basically, for now, Epic has actually filed an appeal against that ruling. I think that ruling was almost trying to say that, yeah, you both win. Apple will get their 30%, but from now on, you can use your own payment method. I think almost that's what the judge was trying to do. But Epic Games has said that effectively in their appeal they want more than that, you know. I think they're trying to avoid paying the 30% to be perfectly honest. We'll see what the appeal goes with. But from what I have observed, appeals most of the time tend to fail... most of the time. But obviously these companies are going to have the best possible lawyers. We will see if anything happens. The next bit of news for today is Super Mario Brothers is now 36 years old. It came out exactly 36 years ago, and I'm 36 years old as well. I guess I was born to be a gamer because I happen to be exactly the same age as Super Mario Brothers. And along with that Valve digital store Steam has turned 18 today as well. Happy Birthday to both I guess. Happy Birthday Virtual Game and Virtual Gaming Store. And then the last bit of news for today is Deathloop is coming out tomorrow. But the embargo has lifted for at least the first 90 minutes. You'll notice some massive content creators are now playing or streaming the first 90 minutes of the game. If you're curious about it, check out the first 90 minutes. I would recommend either TheRadBrad on YouTube or CohhCarnage on Twitch, and you can check out the game, or you can just see the uploaded footage on media outlets like IGN and stuff like that. It's down to your own personal preference. Check it out and we'll see how well Deathloop does when it's fully released.

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Photo of Mazen 'Mithrie' Turkmani

Mazen (Mithrie) Turkmani

I have been creating gaming content since August 2013, and went full-time in 2018. Since then, I have published hundreds of gaming news videos and articles. I have had a passion for gaming for more than 30 years!

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