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FF7 Remake PC Modding Scene: Creative Mods Flourish

By Mazen (Mithrie) Turkmani
Published: January 6, 2022 at 12:24 PM GMT

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Key Takeaways

Uplay on Xbox

Ubisoft tweeted out saying "We're bringing Ubisoft+ to Xbox. Expect more news in the future. Until then, play Rainbow Six Extraction on Xbox Game Pass and PC Game Pass on launch day." Ubisoft+ is basically Uplay, which is the subscription service which allows you to play basically any Ubisoft game. It will be good that it will come to Xbox.Ubisoft recently made an exciting announcement for Xbox users. They revealed that they will be bringing their popular subscription service, Ubisoft+, to Xbox. This news was shared through a tweet where Ubisoft mentioned that more information will be provided in the future. They also encouraged Xbox players to enjoy Rainbow Six Extraction on Xbox Game Pass and PC Game Pass on launch day.For those who are not familiar, Ubisoft+ is the rebranded version of Uplay, the longstanding platform that offers players access to a wide range of Ubisoft games. With a subscription to Ubisoft+, players can enjoy unlimited playtime on a vast library of games from one of the industry's most renowned developers and publishers. This includes popular franchises such as Assassin's Creed, Far Cry, Watch Dogs, and many more.The arrival of Ubisoft+ on Xbox is excellent news for gamers who have been eagerly awaiting its availability on the Microsoft console. Previously, the subscription service was only accessible on PC, allowing PC players to experience Ubisoft's extensive catalog. Now, Xbox users will have the chance to join in on the fun and embark on thrilling adventures in the Ubisoft ecosystem.While specific details about Ubisoft+'s integration with Xbox are yet to be revealed, fans are already excited about what this expansion could mean for their gaming experiences. The ability to access a vast array of Ubisoft games on the Xbox platform will undoubtedly enhance the enjoyment and convenience for players who already own an Xbox console.The inclusion of Ubisoft+ on Xbox also holds promise for the future of gaming subscriptions. As gaming trends continue to shift towards subscription-based models, it comes as no surprise that Ubisoft is broadening its reach to capture a larger audience. With the popularity of Xbox Game Pass and other similar services, it makes perfect sense for Ubisoft to incorporate their subscription offering into the Xbox ecosystem.

Days Gone Director Comments

Moving on to our next piece of news, Jeff Ross, the director behind the critically acclaimed game Days Gone, recently made some interesting comments about his experience working with Sony. In a tweet, Ross stated, "At the time I left Sony, Days Gone had been out for a year and a half (and a month) and sold over 8 million copies. It's gone on to sell more and a million plus on Steam. Local studio management always made us feel that it was a big disappointment."Days Gone, an open-world action-adventure game developed by Sony Bend Studio, garnered significant attention upon its release. With its immersive gameplay, gripping storyline, and stunning visuals, the game quickly gained a loyal following. Jeff Ross's comments shed light on the internal dynamics surrounding the game's reception, particularly within the studio.Ross's revelation about feeling a sense of disappointment from local studio management raises questions about the game's reception within Sony. Despite the commercial success and positive reviews from players, it appears that the internal sentiment did not match the external reception.Days Gone is widely regarded as a captivating and engrossing experience, which makes Ross's comments even more surprising. The game's post-apocalyptic setting combined with its unique gameplay mechanics and compelling characters has resonated with players worldwide. It is unfortunate that the studio management's perception did not align with the impact and positive response the game received.As an avid player who personally experienced Days Gone, I can attest to its quality. The game offered a vast open-world environment to explore, a deep and emotional narrative, and intense action sequences. While it did initially suffer from some technical issues and bugs upon release, subsequent updates and patches rectified these problems, resulting in an even better gaming experience.Furthermore, with the recent release of Days Gone on PC via Steam, the game's popularity has continued to grow. Ross mentions that the game has sold over eight million copies, and it has found success on the PC platform as well. This further cements the fact that Days Gone is far from being a disappointment, contrary to what the studio management might have believed.In retrospect, it is unfortunate that Ross and his team had to endure this disheartening experience during their time at Sony. However, it is crucial to acknowledge the incredible achievement of Days Gone and the impact it has made on the gaming community. The game's success speaks for itself, and it is undoubtedly a testament to the talent and dedication of the development team.

Final Fantasy 7 Remake PC Crazy Mods

Wrapping up our news segment today, let's dive into the world of Final Fantasy 7 Remake on PC. Since its release, modders have been hard at work, continuously expanding and enhancing the game through a variety of mods. Initially, there were around 20 mods available, but now the number has skyrocketed to over 250.These passionate modders have dedicated their time and skills to create an assortment of mods for Final Fantasy 7 Remake on PC. While some mods focus on improving performance and reshading, the majority of them revolve around cosmetic enhancements. These mods allow players to customize the appearance of their characters and make the game even more visually stunning.Among the vast array of mods available, one intriguing creation stands out - the Ronald McSephiroth mod. This hilarious mod replaces the iconic villain Sephiroth with none other than Ronald McDonald, the face of the popular fast-food chain McDonald's. This whimsical crossover demonstrates the creativity and humor of the modding community.Personalizing characters and exploring the unusual and unexpected is part of the charm that mods bring to games. With Final Fantasy 7 Remake's vast and diverse cast of characters, the possibilities for customization are endless. From costumes inspired by other popular media franchises to humorous character swaps, these mods offer players a unique and amusing way to experience the game.While I haven't had the opportunity to play Final Fantasy 7 Remake on PC myself, the growing collection of mods certainly piques my interest. The dedication and effort put forth by modders to enhance the game's visuals and overall experience are commendable. It's exciting to see the creativity and imagination that the modding community brings to beloved titles like Final Fantasy 7 Remake.In conclusion, the gaming industry is constantly evolving and expanding, offering new possibilities and experiences for players. The announcement of Ubisoft+ coming to Xbox provides a broader selection of games for Xbox users, while Jeff Ross's comments shed light on the internal dynamics of game development. Lastly, the incredible world of mods in Final Fantasy 7 Remake on PC showcases the passion and innovation of dedicated modders. With each new development, gamers can look forward to an ever-growing landscape of opportunities and adventures.

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Author Details

Photo of Mazen 'Mithrie' Turkmani

Mazen (Mithrie) Turkmani

I have been creating gaming content since August 2013, and went full-time in 2018. Since then, I have published hundreds of gaming news videos and articles. I have had a passion for gaming for more than 30 years!

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Use of Automated Content uses AI tools such as ChatGPT and Google Gemini to increase the length of articles for further readablity. The news itself is kept accurate by manual review from Mazen Turkmani.

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The news stories on are selected by me based on their relevance to the gaming community. I strive to present the news in a fair and unbiased manner, and I always link to the original source of the news story or provide screenshots in the video above.