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Final Fantasy 16 Banned

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PlayStation have announced a Marvel's Spider-Man 2 will get a prequel comic. The events of the comic will be after Miles Morales, but before Spider-Man 2. If you're interested, be sure to check it out. Are you looking forward to Spider-Man 2? And the next bit of news for today is a gameplay trailer for Chrono Odyssey was released. It's an open world next gen MMO. The trailer looks quite impressive with its soul like combat. You think this announcement will lead to a functioning MMO? And the last bit of news for today is Final Fantasy 16 has been banned in Saudi Arabia. There's speculation that it's because of Square Enix's refusal to remove LGBTQ+ material from the game. As a result, the game will most likely also be banned in the United Arab Emirates. Will you be playing Final Fantasy 16?

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