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Pizza Hut's Gaming Ventures: Fun with Your Food

By Mazen "Mithrie" Turkmani
Published: July 20, 2021 at 12:49 PM BST

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Pizza Hut is getting more involved with gaming and supporting E-Sports events, DirectStorage support coming to Windows 10 and 11 and Ordnance Survey are creating an AR app.

Pizza Hut Gaming

Pizza Hut Delivery UK is making a move into the gaming scene, showing support for esports events and more. The company is even looking to set up events on Twitch, including participation in Twitch Rivals. Their objective is to organize pizza giveaways and other promotions targeted at the gaming community. It's intriguing to witness a popular pizza joint actively engaging in the gaming industry. This trend is not limited to Pizza Hut, as other companies like KFC Gaming have also recognized the potential of gaming and are jumping on board. This increasingly positive reception from companies outside the gaming sphere is an encouraging sign for the industry, and Pizza Hut's entry adds yet another significant player.

DirectStorage for Windows 10 and 11

Exciting news on the gaming technology front: both Windows 10 and Windows 11 will soon be able to utilize DirectStorage, the DirectX feature. DirectStorage enables games to load data from memory directly into the graphics card, bypassing the processor and resulting in reduced loading times and improved gaming performance. Initially introduced with the Xbox Series X, DirectStorage is set to play a vital role in Windows 11. However, Microsoft plans to bring this feature to Windows 10 as well. As gamers, we understand the significance of faster loading times and enhanced experiences on PCs. The addition of DirectStorage to both Windows versions is definitely a welcome development for the gaming community.

Ordnance Survey AR App

Ordinance Survey, the renowned UK mapping company, has its sights set on developing an augmented reality (AR) app, taking inspiration from the widely popular game, Pokemon Go. This app aims to offer users an immersive experience while exploring the countryside. Similar to Pokemon Go, the app will provide information about different locations, but it won't require constant attention to the phone's screen. Instead, it encourages people to venture out, go on hikes, and discover the beauty of the countryside. Ordinance Survey has been responsible for creating detailed maps of the UK, showcasing various areas and the topography of the land. Witnessing a non-gaming company like Ordinance Survey drawing inspiration from gaming emphasizes the positive influence and innovation that gaming has on different industries. This move by the mapping company is another example of gaming's broad impact and demonstrates how companies can adapt gaming principles to engage their audiences.

As the gaming world continues to expand, it's fascinating to observe non-gaming companies venturing into the industry and leveraging gaming-related concepts to enhance their products, services, and engagement with customers. Pizza Hut Delivery UK's foray into gaming exemplifies how companies are recognizing the immense potential and influence of the gaming community. This trend is likely to continue as more companies and industries find ways to incorporate gaming elements into their strategies. With Windows 10 and 11 adopting DirectStorage, gamers can look forward to faster loading times and more seamless experiences on their PCs. Lastly, Ordinance Survey's upcoming AR app demonstrates how diverse sectors can embrace gaming-inspired technologies to provide users with unique experiences while exploring their surroundings.

The expanding presence of companies such as Pizza Hut, Microsoft, and Ordinance Survey indicates a growing acknowledgment of the gaming industry's impact and potential. The fusion of gaming with various sectors opens up new opportunities for innovation and engagement, benefitting both businesses and gamers alike. As the gaming landscape continues to evolve, it will be intriguing to witness how companies of different backgrounds further incorporate gaming elements into their operations, ultimately enriching the experiences of their customers.

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Author Details

Photo of Mazen 'Mithrie' Turkmani

Mazen "Mithrie" Turkmani

I have been creating gaming content since August 2013, and went full-time in 2018. Since then, I have published hundreds of gaming news videos and articles. I have had a passion for gaming for more than 30 years!

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Use of Automated Content uses AI tools such as ChatGPT and Google Gemini to increase the length of articles for further readablity. The news itself is kept accurate by manual review from Mazen Turkmani.

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The news stories on are selected by me based on their relevance to the gaming community. I strive to present the news in a fair and unbiased manner, and I always link to the original source of the news story or provide screenshots in the video above.