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Final Fantasy Pixel Remasters: Nostalgic Return

By Mazen "Mithrie" Turkmani
Published: August 2, 2021 at 2:09 PM BST

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Final Fantasy Pixel Remasters for Final Fantasy 1 - 3 are available on Steam, iOS, and Android, Eric Baptizat who directed Assassin's Creed Valhalla will be directing Dead Space Remake, and PS5 will soon add M.2 SSD support to its expansion drive after testing.

Dead Space Remake Director

Eric Baptizat, known for his work as the director of Assassin's Creed Valhalla, has taken the helm as the director of the highly anticipated Dead Space Remake. Baptizat made the move from Ubisoft to EA Motive, the studio responsible for the development of Dead Space Remake. Given Baptizat's impressive work on Assassin's Creed Valhalla, many fans of the Dead Space franchise are optimistic about the future of the remake.

Assassin's Creed Valhalla, in my opinion, was an exceptional game. I thoroughly enjoyed playing it on my PlayStation 5, investing a staggering 160 hours in the game and even achieving the coveted Platinum Trophy. This speaks to Baptizat's ability to create a compelling and immersive gaming experience. With his expertise, it is exciting to envision what he will bring to the table with Dead Space Remake.

PS5 M.2 SSD Support

In other news, the PlayStation 5 is set to introduce M.2 SSD support for the console's expansion slot. M.2 SSDs are known for their lightning-fast speeds, and Sony has specified that they recommend SSDs with a minimum read speed of 5.5 gigabytes per second. However, it's important to note that while an SSD might meet these requirements, it does not guarantee its compatibility with the PlayStation 5. Nonetheless, this new feature will allow players to expand the console's default 1TB storage capacity.

It's worth mentioning that Xbox is also working on expansion cards for their consoles, hinting at a growing industry trend of providing additional storage options. As time goes on and game files continue to increase in size, the demand for expanded storage becomes paramount. Personally, as someone who strives to achieve Platinum Trophies, I often find myself uninstalling games in order to free up space for new ones. The ability to easily expand storage capacity will undoubtedly be a welcome addition for many console gamers.

Final Fantasy Pixel Remasters

Turning our attention to the realm of retro gaming, the Final Fantasy Pixel Remasters for Final Fantasy 1, 2, and 3 have recently been released on multiple platforms. As of July 28, 2021, these remastered versions are available for purchase on Steam, iOS, and Android. While this news is exciting for fans of the iconic franchise, many PlayStation users are eagerly awaiting the release of the games on their beloved console, as it would provide an opportunity to earn trophies and showcase their achievements.

The Pixel Remasters aim to modernize the original Final Fantasy games by incorporating updated graphics and enhanced gameplay elements. It's worth noting that Square Enix, the publisher behind the franchise, has plans to continue the remastering project with Final Fantasy 4, 5, and 6. As a Square Enix partner, I'm personally looking forward to discovering more about this endeavor in the future.

While the release of the Pixel Remasters has certainly generated excitement among fans, some individuals have expressed dissatisfaction with the available font options in the game. However, due to the game's PC release on platforms such as Steam, players have already begun modding the game to customize the fonts to their liking. This lighthearted response highlights the dedicated community surrounding the Final Fantasy franchise and their passion for personalizing their gaming experiences.

In conclusion, the announcement of Eric Baptizat as the director of Dead Space Remake brings a sense of promise and anticipation for the revitalization of this beloved franchise. The introduction of M.2 SSD support for the PlayStation 5 addresses a growing need for expanded storage capacity, ensuring players can continue to enjoy a vast library of games. Finally, the release of the Final Fantasy Pixel Remasters sparks nostalgia while opening the doors for modern gamers to experience the early titles in the series. As technology continues to advance, it is reassuring to witness various developments within the gaming industry that enhance our gaming experiences and amplify our enjoyment.

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Author Details

Photo of Mazen 'Mithrie' Turkmani

Mazen "Mithrie" Turkmani

I have been creating gaming content since August 2013, and went full-time in 2018. Since then, I have published hundreds of gaming news videos and articles. I have had a passion for gaming for more than 30 years!

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