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Kate's Collateral Damage: Protagonist's Challenges

By Mazen "Mithrie" Turkmani
Published: September 25, 2021 at 10:29 AM BST

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Crystal Dynamics have said they are not done with the Tomb Raider franchise, Ubisoft issued a DMCA takedown notice against one of the publishers of the leaked listed of games from GeForce NOW, and Apple bans the Fortnite app until all appeals are exhausted.

Ubisoft DMCA GeForce NOW Leak List

Ubisoft, one of the leading video game publishers, has recently taken legal action against an individual who leaked a list of unreleased games from GeForce NOW. This leak created quite a buzz in the gaming community, as it revealed numerous games that were yet to be announced or released.

The leak, in question, consisted of project names or internal titles of Ubisoft games that were planned for future releases. While the list did not explicitly mention any specific game titles, avid gamers and fans were quick to speculate and decipher what these project names might refer to. However, Ubisoft, not yet ready to unveil these games, promptly issued a take-down notice to have the list removed from public access.

However, as is often the case with attempts to remove information from the internet, this action by Ubisoft could potentially have the opposite effect. With the Streisand effect in play, where attempts at censorship or removal of information only serve to draw more attention to it, it is likely that the leaked list will continue to be shared and discussed within gaming communities.

This incident highlights the challenges faced by game developers and publishers in today's digital age. With information spreading rapidly on the internet, it can be difficult to keep upcoming projects under wraps until they are ready to be officially announced. Leaks like these can create a sense of excitement among fans but can also disrupt carefully planned marketing strategies.

However, leaks can also provide insights into the plans and direction of the gaming industry, generating buzz and anticipation for upcoming releases. While unintended leaks may be frustrating for developers and publishers, they can also serve as free publicity and create additional excitement around their products.

Next Tomb Raider Game

In other gaming news, Crystal Dynamics, the studio behind the recent Tomb Raider games, has confirmed that they have no plans to bring an end to the critically acclaimed franchise. The studio released three games over the last decade, namely Tomb Raider (2013), Rise of the Tomb Raider, and Shadow of the Tomb Raider. These games explored the origin story of Lara Croft and were met with positive reviews from both critics and players.

With Square Enix holding the rights to the Tomb Raider franchise, Crystal Dynamics has expressed their desire to continue expanding on the series. While specifics regarding the next installment are yet to be revealed, fans of the franchise can look forward to further adventures with Lara Croft.

It is worth noting that Square Enix also ventured into the film industry, releasing a movie adaptation of Tomb Raider. This cross-platform approach demonstrates the company's commitment to expanding the Tomb Raider brand beyond just video games. The success of both the games and the movie serves as a testament to the enduring popularity of the franchise and its beloved protagonist.

As for Crystal Dynamics, the studio is currently occupied with other projects, including the development of Guardians of the Galaxy and various unannounced games. While this may mean that fans will have to wait a bit longer for news of the next Tomb Raider game, it also raises anticipation for what the studio will deliver next.

Apple Bans Fortnite App

In a story that has captivated the gaming world for quite some time, Apple has decided to uphold its ban on the popular game Fortnite until all appeals in the ongoing legal battle between Apple and Epic Games have been exhausted. This decision could potentially leave Fortnite fans on Apple devices without access to the game for several years.

The legal dispute between Apple and Epic Games began when Epic Games implemented a direct payment system within the Fortnite app, effectively bypassing Apple's App Store fees. This violated Apple's guidelines, resulting in the game being removed from the App Store. Epic Games retaliated by filing a lawsuit against Apple, claiming that the tech giant engaged in anti-competitive behavior.

The original ruling in the lawsuit was somewhat of a mixed bag, with both sides claiming partial victories. While the court acknowledged that Apple's mandatory use of its payment system was anti-competitive, it also deemed Epic Games' implementation of the direct payment system a breach of contract. Both sides have decided to pursue an appeal, prolonging the legal battle even further.

Unfortunately, this means that Fortnite players on Apple devices will likely be unable to access the game until the case is resolved, which could take several years. This development has disappointed and frustrated many fans who have become accustomed to playing the popular battle royale game on their Apple devices.

It is unclear what the ultimate outcome of this legal dispute will be. However, it highlights the broader conversations surrounding app store regulations and the power held by tech giants like Apple. The ongoing legal battle between Apple and Epic Games serves as a significant example of the tension between developers and platform owners, and the potential implications it can have on both the companies involved and the gaming community as a whole.

In conclusion, the recent actions taken by Ubisoft, Crystal Dynamics, and Apple within the gaming industry have sparked discussions and debates among players and enthusiasts alike. From Ubisoft's DMCA takedown notice against the GeForce NOW leak list to Crystal Dynamics' confirmation of a future Tomb Raider game, and Apple's decision to maintain the ban on Fortnite, these events highlight the complexities and challenges faced by developers, publishers, and platform owners in an increasingly digital landscape.

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Author Details

Photo of Mazen 'Mithrie' Turkmani

Mazen "Mithrie" Turkmani

I have been creating gaming content since August 2013, and went full-time in 2018. Since then, I have published hundreds of gaming news videos and articles. I have had a passion for gaming for more than 30 years!

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Use of Automated Content uses AI tools such as ChatGPT and Google Gemini to increase the length of articles for further readablity. The news itself is kept accurate by manual review from Mazen Turkmani.

News Selection and Presentation

The news stories on are selected by me based on their relevance to the gaming community. I strive to present the news in a fair and unbiased manner, and I always link to the original source of the news story or provide screenshots in the video above.