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RE7 Ships 10M Copies: Horror Gem's Milestone Achieved

By Mazen "Mithrie" Turkmani
Published: October 8, 2021 at 2:11 PM BST

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A movie trailer for the upcoming Resident Evil TV Show was released yesterday by Sony Pictures Entertainment, Diablo IV has a new Game Director called Joe Shely, and Yakuza Like A Dragon will be getting a sequel.

Diablo IV New Director

Diablo IV, the highly anticipated action role-playing game, has recently announced a new Game Director named Joe Shely. This news has sparked excitement among fans of the Diablo franchise, as Joe Shely is a Blizzard veteran with extensive experience in the gaming industry.

Having joined Blizzard in 2005, Joe Shely has been a valuable contributor to the company's success. He has previously worked on renowned titles such as World of Warcraft and played a pivotal role as the lead game designer behind Diablo III. His involvement in the development of Diablo III has undoubtedly provided him with a deep understanding of the franchise, making him an ideal fit for the role of Game Director for Diablo IV.

The Diablo series has captivated gamers worldwide with its dark and immersive gameplay, addictive loot system, and intense multiplayer experience. Diablo III, in particular, received critical acclaim and a massive player base upon its release. Players were enthralled by the game's atmospheric world, challenging quests, and rewarding character progression. It became a staple for many fans of the action RPG genre, including myself.

As a devoted fan of Diablo III, I eagerly await the arrival of Diablo IV. The prospect of a new installment in the series, under the guidance of Joe Shely, fills me with anticipation. I have fond memories of delving into the depths of Diablo III's dungeons, battling hordes of demons, and collecting powerful loot to enhance my character. The game's initial launch was particularly memorable, as players from all over the world embarked on this epic adventure together.

With Diablo IV, I expect even greater things from the franchise. The advancements in technology and game design since the release of Diablo III present an opportunity for the developers to create a more immersive and visually stunning experience. The prospect of exploring a dark, foreboding world, engaging in intense combat, and discovering epic loot fills me with excitement.

One aspect that I'm particularly curious about is how the game's story will unfold. The Diablo series has always excelled in presenting a captivating narrative, filled with intricate lore and memorable characters. Diablo IV promises to continue this tradition, and I'm eager to see how the developers will expand upon the rich lore of the Diablo universe.

In addition to the story, the gameplay mechanics of Diablo IV will undoubtedly play a significant role in its success. As a fan of the previous games, I'm hopeful that the developers will retain the core elements that made Diablo III so enjoyable while introducing new and innovative features. The balance between challenging gameplay, character customization, and the rewarding loot system is crucial in creating a satisfying experience for players.

Moreover, I'm curious to see how Diablo IV will embrace the ever-evolving gaming landscape. Online multiplayer has become an integral part of the Diablo experience, allowing players to team up and tackle challenges together. I'm excited to explore the multiplayer aspects of Diablo IV, discovering new ways to cooperate and compete with fellow adventurers.

All in all, the appointment of Joe Shely as the new Game Director for Diablo IV has instilled a renewed sense of anticipation in the Diablo community. His extensive experience in the franchise and the gaming industry makes him a promising choice to lead the development of this highly anticipated game. I have no doubt that Diablo IV will deliver a thrilling and unforgettable experience for fans of the series.

Yakuza Sequel

In other gaming news, RGG Studios has recently confirmed that a sequel to the popular game Yakuza Like a Dragon is currently in development. This announcement has brought joy to fans of the Yakuza franchise, who were captivated by the unique turn-based group RPG gameplay introduced in Yakuza Like a Dragon.

Traditionally, the Yakuza games were known for their action-fighting style, but Yakuza Like a Dragon took a bold departure from this formula, introducing a turn-based combat system. The change was met with both skepticism and excitement, as players wondered if the new gameplay mechanics would live up to the high standards set by the previous Yakuza titles.

Fortunately, Yakuza Like a Dragon exceeded expectations, offering a fresh and engaging experience that revitalized the franchise. The game's blend of intense storytelling, memorable characters, and strategic combat proved to be a winning combination. As a result, fans, including myself, spent countless hours immersed in the world of Yakuza Like a Dragon.

Personally, I thoroughly enjoyed Yakuza Like a Dragon and eagerly await the release of its sequel. The game's engaging narrative, filled with drama, humor, and emotional moments, kept me invested from start to finish. The character development was exceptional, and I found myself forming genuine attachments to the diverse cast of characters that populated the game's vibrant world.

Furthermore, the turn-based combat system brought a refreshing twist to the Yakuza franchise. It added depth and strategy to the gameplay, as I carefully planned my party's actions and exploited enemy weaknesses to gain the upper hand in battles. The inclusion of various character classes and an extensive job system allowed for significant customization and experimentation, providing a wealth of options to approach combat encounters.

The announcement of a sequel to Yakuza Like a Dragon indicates that RGG Studios recognizes the success and potential of this new direction for the franchise. It's encouraging to see developers willing to take risks and explore innovative gameplay mechanics. The success of Yakuza Like a Dragon has proven that experimentation can pay off, and I'm excited to see how the developers will build upon this foundation in the upcoming sequel.

It's worth mentioning that the action-fighting style that defined the previous Yakuza games has not been abandoned. Instead, it has been transitioned to the Judgment series, which recently launched its second installment, Lost Judgment. This separation allows both franchises to flourish in their respective gameplay styles, catering to different preferences within the fan base.

As a fan of both the Yakuza and Judgment series, I'm grateful for the opportunity to experience different gameplay approaches within the same overarching universe. It showcases the versatility and creativity of the developers at RGG Studios, as they continue to deliver compelling experiences to their loyal fan base.

In conclusion, the confirmation of a sequel to Yakuza Like a Dragon has left fans eagerly anticipating the next installment in this captivating franchise. The success of the previous game has established a strong foundation for the series, and I have no doubt that the developers will build upon it, delivering another unforgettable experience.

Resident Evil TV Show Trailer

Shifting gears to the world of entertainment, fans of the iconic Resident Evil franchise were treated to an exciting development recentlyโ€”a movie trailer for "Resident Evil: Welcome to Raccoon City" was released. This upcoming film is set to focus on the events of the acclaimed game Resident Evil 2, showcasing the outbreak of the T-virus and the harrowing experiences of the characters in Raccoon City.

The trailer provides a tantalizing glimpse into the film's atmosphere and the characters we can expect to encounter. It teases the appearance of some fan-favorite creatures, such as the infamous Licker, while leaving the reveal of other iconic creatures, like Mr. X, to our imagination. The trailer successfully captures the dark and suspenseful ambiance of the Resident Evil games, promising an intense and thrilling cinematic experience.

"Resident Evil: Welcome to Raccoon City" is set to hit theaters on November 24 of this year, and fans of the franchise are eagerly counting down the days until its release. The Resident Evil series has had a long and successful history in the world of video games, captivating players with its blend of survival horror and action-packed gameplay. The prospect of bringing this beloved franchise to the big screen has generated a great deal of excitement among fans.

In addition to the movie, Resident Evil enthusiasts have recently been treated to another adaptation in a different medium. Netflix released an anime series titled "Resident Evil: Infinite Darkness," further expanding the franchise's presence in the realm of streaming entertainment. As a fan of Resident Evil, I took the opportunity to watch the series and found it to be a thrilling and immersive experience.

"Resident Evil: Infinite Darkness" delves into a new story set within the established Resident Evil universe. The series reunites fan-favorite characters Leon S. Kennedy and Claire Redfield as they face a new and dangerous threat. The animation is top-notch, capturing the tense and eerie atmosphere that the Resident Evil games are known for. The series expertly balances action, suspense, and the exploration of intriguing mysteries, leaving viewers on the edge of their seats.

For fans of the franchise, the upcoming movie and the recent anime series offer a double dose of Resident Evil goodness. The expansion of the franchise into different mediums demonstrates the enduring popularity and widespread appeal of the Resident Evil universe. Whether you prefer the interactive experience of the games or the passive immersion of movies and TV shows, there is something for everyone in the world of Resident Evil.

In conclusion, the announcement of the movie "Resident Evil: Welcome to Raccoon City" and the release of the anime series "Resident Evil: Infinite Darkness" have brought a fresh wave of excitement to fans of the franchise. Both projects hold the promise of capturing the essence of the Resident Evil games, delivering intense and memorable experiences in their respective mediums. Whether it's the silver screen or the comfort of our own homes, Resident Evil continues to enthrall and entertain audiences worldwide.

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Author Details

Photo of Mazen 'Mithrie' Turkmani

Mazen "Mithrie" Turkmani

I have been creating gaming content since August 2013, and went full-time in 2018. Since then, I have published hundreds of gaming news videos and articles. I have had a passion for gaming for more than 30 years!

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Use of Automated Content uses AI tools such as ChatGPT and Google Gemini to increase the length of articles for further readablity. The news itself is kept accurate by manual review from Mazen Turkmani.

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The news stories on are selected by me based on their relevance to the gaming community. I strive to present the news in a fair and unbiased manner, and I always link to the original source of the news story or provide screenshots in the video above.