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Final Fantasy 7 Remake PC Gets Slammed

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Final Fantasy 7 Remake PC has been reviewed by Digital Foundry and it has been absolutely slammed. Alexander Battaglia tweeted out saying "As mentioned, I am not covering Final Fantasy VII Remake yet the stutters that happen as you immediately get in game rendered graphics are just unacceptable. Anyone testing and playing this game on PC before release should surely realize that your cinematic game should not do that." And then John Linneman, who also works with Digital Foundry, said, "Alert: Alex sent his clips over for us to check out and, yeah, the PC port of Final Fantasy VII Remake is terrible. He captured this using an RTX 3090 and a 10900K (CPU) at just 1080p and it's a mess. The smooth presentation was central to its storytelling and this version compromises it." And then Alex doubles down to what he tweeted out before by going on a forum called Resetera to saying that "This is literally the worst AAA release I have seen on PC in a good long time. I humbly submit that no one should buy it." People do trust Digital Foundry's opinion because they tend to back up their reviews for PC tech with proof of frame rate and performance and stuff like that. Also as well they're comparing unfortunately games like The Medium at launch and the original No Man's Sky in terms of performance, which is so bad. I hope that Square Enix can fix it. The next bit of news for today is Remnant From the Ashes is going to be available for free for the next couple of hours on the Epic Games Store and then we will see what the next game is going to be revealed. Epic Games are doing a 15 free games promotion during the Christmas period so be sure to take advantage of it because you're able to redeem the games, add them to your account for free and you'll have them forever. Take advantage while you can. And then this week's feature and shout out is going to go to Jack Sather. He's a YouTuber who makes really good in depth coverage of whatever game he picks, and he doesn't release that many videos. He's barely released any over the last year, but he puts a lot of time and a lot of thought into the videos. He edits them well. They're really entertaining to watch. There's a lot of information. You can tell a lot of work and research has gone into the content and I watched his video of Red Dead Online is Ruined and by the end of it, it made me want to play Red Dead Online if the suggestions he put to fix the game were actually implemented, even though I've never played it, that's how good the video was. Shout out to Jack and I hope to see more content from him in the future and I would highly recommend others to check out his content.

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