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Silent Hill 2 Remake

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Apparently, The Mortuary Assistant is going to be made into a movie. DreadXP who is the publisher and production company behind the game released a Press Release to say that they are working with Epic Pictures Group to make it into a movie. We will see if there's any information about it in the future and I'll be sure to report it on the Gaming News when there's more information about it. And the next bit of news for today, is according to the FAQ section of the Hogwarts Legacy website, Quidditch is not going to be playable in the game. You'll still be able to fly around on a broomstick but the Quidditch game itself will not be available. Who knows in the future if they'll add it in but for now it's been confirmed to not be playable. And the last bit of news for today, is apparently Silent Hill 2 is being remade according to some leaked images, which have been appearing online the last couple of days. As with all leaks taken with a grain of salt. We will see if the Bloober Team make any official announcement at any point in the future.

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