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The Callisto Protocol Patch

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According to an article on Deadline, Sifu is going to be made into a movie by the John Wick creator. If you're interested in the game, then hopefully soon we'll actually get information about a movie. These things obviously take time, so it will be a while, but when there's more information about it, I'll be sure to report it on the Gaming News. And the next bit of news for today is Saints Row IV Re-Elected, which is Saints Row IV, including all the DLC, will be available for free on the Epic Games Store between the 08 and 15 Dec 2022. If you buy your games from Epic Games Store, feel free to use Support Content Creator code Mithrie because it will support me directly. And the last bit of news for today is The Callisto Protocol has launched onto PC, PlayStation and Xbox. The PC version is having a lot of stuttering issues because of shader compilations. The developer has already released a patch to address most of the issues, but they're working on more performance, tuning and optimizations as they go on. I've been playing on PlayStation 5. I'm loving it so far. It's brutal. Hopefully, they can fix it and PC gamers can get the experience that are seen on consoles.

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