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FF7 Remake PC Critique: Player Feedback Surfaces

By Mazen "Mithrie" Turkmani
Published: December 19, 2021 at 1:43 PM GMT

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Final Fantasy 7 Remake PC has been slammed by Digital Foundry for its poor performance, Remnant from the Ashes is free on Epic Games Store, and Jack Sather is a content creator you should check out.

Final Fantasy 7 Remake PC Gets Slammed

The highly anticipated Final Fantasy 7 Remake PC version has recently come under heavy criticism from Digital Foundry, a well-known source for technical analysis in the gaming community. The team at Digital Foundry, including Alexander Battaglia and John Linneman, have expressed their disappointment with the PC port's performance.

Alexander Battaglia took to Twitter to voice his concerns about the game, stating, "As mentioned, I am not covering Final Fantasy VII Remake yet the stutters that happen as you immediately get in game rendered graphics are just unacceptable. Anyone testing and playing this game on PC before release should surely realize that your cinematic game should not do that." These stutters that he refers to create a jarring experience for players and hinder the immersive nature of the game.

John Linneman, another member of Digital Foundry, supported these claims by saying, "Alert: Alex sent his clips over for us to check out and, yeah, the PC port of Final Fantasy VII Remake is terrible. He captured this using an RTX 3090 and a 10900K (CPU) at just 1080p and it's a mess. The smooth presentation was central to its storytelling, and this version compromises it." This evaluation by John further emphasizes the negative impact of the PC version's performance on the overall experience of the game.

Digital Foundry's criticism of Final Fantasy 7 Remake PC holds weight due to their thorough evaluations of PC tech, including extensive testing, frame rate analysis, and performance comparisons. Their reputation has been built on providing credible and reliable insights into the technical aspects of video games.

Comparisons have been drawn between the disappointing PC port of Final Fantasy 7 Remake and other games that have faced similar issues at launch, such as The Medium and the original release of No Man's Sky. These comparisons serve to highlight the severity of the problems present in the PC version of Final Fantasy 7 Remake.

Fans of the game and the Final Fantasy franchise as a whole have expressed their concerns and disappointment regarding the PC version. Many are hopeful that Square Enix, the developer of the game, will take notice of the criticism and make necessary improvements to optimize the PC version, ensuring a smoother and more enjoyable gameplay experience for players.

Remnant From the Ashes

In other gaming news, Remnant From the Ashes is currently available for free on the Epic Games Store for a limited time. As part of their 15 free games promotion during the Christmas period, Epic Games is offering players the opportunity to add this popular title to their collection without any cost. It is a great chance for gamers to experience a thrilling adventure and take advantage of this generous promotion while it lasts.

Jack Sather Feature

This week, we would like to highlight the work of Jack Sather, a talented YouTuber known for his in-depth coverage of various games. Despite his infrequent uploads over the past year, each video he creates showcases his dedication and meticulous approach. Jack's videos are not only entertaining but also informative, packed with valuable insights and well-researched content.

One of Jack's most notable videos is his analysis of Red Dead Online, titled "Red Dead Online is Ruined." Watching this video is a testament to Jack's skill in delivering compelling content. Even for those who have never played Red Dead Online, Jack's suggestions and proposed fixes for the game left a lasting impression. His video was so persuasive that it made viewers, including myself, consider giving Red Dead Online a try if the changes he proposed were implemented.

We commend Jack Sather for his outstanding work and eagerly anticipate more content from him in the future. We highly recommend checking out his YouTube channel for comprehensive and thought-provoking analysis of various games.

In conclusion, the criticism surrounding the PC version of Final Fantasy 7 Remake by Digital Foundry raises concerns about the game's performance. The technical issues present in the game's PC port detract from the immersive experience and storytelling elements that made the original release so beloved. With hope, Square Enix will address these concerns and provide a much-needed update to optimize the PC version. Meanwhile, gamers can take advantage of the free offering of Remnant From the Ashes on the Epic Games Store, as well as enjoy the enlightening and engaging content produced by YouTuber Jack Sather.

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Photo of Mazen 'Mithrie' Turkmani

Mazen "Mithrie" Turkmani

I have been creating gaming content since August 2013, and went full-time in 2018. Since then, I have published hundreds of gaming news videos and articles. I have had a passion for gaming for more than 30 years!

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