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The Last of Us Remake Leak: Storytelling Surprise - Video Page

By Mazen (Mithrie) Turkmani
Published: May 19, 2022 at 4:30 PM BST

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There's been a lot of articles posted in the last day talking about The Last of Us Remake. It's been posted on a lot of websites and this is in response to a sound bite from Jeff Grubb speaking on the Kind of Funny Games Cast where he said, "I keep hearing that it's coming out this year. The Last of Us Remake this holiday." Originally, The Last of Us came out back in 2013 on the PlayStation 3 and it has since been remastered for PlayStation 4 and then has been patched for PlayStation 5. It looks pretty good considering its age, and a lot of people will consider The Last of Us to be quite a recent game, but it actually came out nearly a decade ago, at this point. A remake would tie in very nicely with the TV Show that is currently filming. I personally released a video talking about my Top 10 Games of All Time in which I featured The Last of Us in spot number 2, just behind Zelda 64 Ocarina of Time. What is The Last of Us? You might be wondering. The Last of Us is a zombie apocalypse survival game, where the main characters, Joel and Ellie need to escape the apocalypse. Now you might think that sounds like so many other games, which have come out before and since then, and it definitely does. However, the strong relationship between the main characters of Joel and Ellie is what defines The Last of Us. Early in the game, something devastating happens for Joel. It results in him losing all sense of humanity and care for the world that he's in. His interaction with Ellie, however, causes him to regain his humanity and love another human being as much as he did at the beginning of the game. At the time of its original release, the developer Naughty Dog was known for creating games like Uncharted which were focused on action adventure, massive set pieces, collapsing buildings of the Tomb Raider style. There is a lot of excitement about the prospect of it being remade with The Last of Us 2 engine, because a lot of people argue that The Last of Us 2 had much better combat and gameplay from The Last of Us 1, even though people really didn't like the story of The Last of Us 2. Having the game remade in a modern engine would definitely be welcome because it has aged decently but not perfectly, and there are some game breaking bugs in the game which really needs to be fixed, so complete remake would be welcome. Will it be a remake of the same vein as Final Fantasy 7 Remake, which is actually a retelling of the story? That we don't know and that we'll have to wait and see. Would it be a waste to remaster it again considering that we had the PlayStation 4 Remaster already? We do know for sure is that given that it's being developed by Naughty Dog and Naughty Dog is one of the PlayStation Studios, then most likely The Last of Us Remake will be a PlayStation 5 Exclusive. I would definitely jump at a chance to play The Last of Us again if it was remade in a modern engine. Very few games have grabbed my attention like The Last of Us because seeing Joel become a human being again and the relationship between the characters meant a lot to me and a lot to a lot of people who played the game and it's definitely a journey that all gamers should experience in my opinion. I'm obviously trying my best not to oversell it, but in more than a year of covering the Gaming News, there has never been any game that I've made a dedicated video for in all that time. I'm definitely looking forward to the TV show when that comes out and any news about The Last of Us Remake, I'll be sure to cover it on the Gaming News.

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Photo of Mazen 'Mithrie' Turkmani

Mazen (Mithrie) Turkmani

I have been creating gaming content since August 2013, and went full-time in 2018. Since then, I have published hundreds of gaming news videos and articles. I have had a passion for gaming for more than 30 years!

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