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Control Surpasses 10M Players: Remedy's Achievement - Video Page

By Mazen (Mithrie) Turkmani
Published: August 14, 2021 at 12:47 PM BST

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The game Control has passed 10 million players and Remedy Entertainment is very happy about that. And they're working on a bunch of new games, so they're working on, I think, four or five new games at the moment, but if you haven't checked it out already, Control Ultimate Edition actually came out on PlayStation 5. I actually played through it. I got all the way to the Platinum Trophy and I absolutely loved it plays really well on PlayStation 5. It's very good to see that Remedy is doing so well with their style of gaming and we will see what they have in store for the future. Good work! The next bit of news is STALKER 2 will be released using Unreal Engine 5. Epic who create Unreal Engine demoed Unreal Engine 5 just a few weeks ago to show off the new features of the new engine, how well it works, how well, more, you know, beautiful it looks and stuff like that. It's nice to see some games at least are starting to embrace Unreal Engine 5. But most games, even ones which are coming out in the near future, are going to be using Unreal Engine 4. And the reason why is because the development of these games probably started years ago on Unreal Engine 4. Usually the next generation of Unreal Engine will not come through for at least four or five years. That's just generally how it works. And then the last bit of news for today is Congress wants game companies to avoid predatory designs aimed towards children. For example, loot boxes. You know, they don't like it when it comes to kids. Now in the UK, we have a rule coming in soon which will basically make it a game. Companies have to design the games to not target children. Basically they have to design it that way, including for games like Roblux and so on. But that also extends to social media and the idea as well of prodding people to keep playing that has to go as well as simple as that. You might have noticed some apps, if you have games on your phone, they send you constant notifications to remind you to come back in. They want that to stop as well. And I personally am against loot boxes. I'm okay with in game items and DLC. That's completely fine. But just give me a store and just let me buy what I want to buy. Making it chance based, I just don't like it because I have seen other content creators as well sometimes spend thousands and thousands of dollars on loot boxes and to get complete sets or stuff like that. And it's just unrealistic. And it's also, as I said, it's predatory. And it has called into question with a few countries whether it's actually gambling or not. And gambling is managed by a completely different set of laws and this idea of targeting gambling towards children. That is the reason why we're seeing so much back lash on Twitch right now because of the gambling streams which are going on. Now, let's talk a little bit more about that. It depends on how you look at it, because slots and anything which is just loot box or anything that's 100% random. That's 100% gambling. And yeah, that's not good. But when it comes to other games which often you'll see in Vegas like Poker, that's okay, because that's more of a fun pastime. That depends on your reactions, your ability to read your opponent, and so on. That's why games like Poker are not targeted by all these laws. It's just the random loot boxes and so on. Just in case you've ever wondered why.

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Photo of Mazen 'Mithrie' Turkmani

Mazen (Mithrie) Turkmani

I have been creating gaming content since August 2013, and went full-time in 2018. Since then, I have published hundreds of gaming news videos and articles. I have had a passion for gaming for more than 30 years!

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