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Crysis Remastered Trilogy: Classic FPS Returns

By Mazen "Mithrie" Turkmani
Published: September 3, 2021 at 1:35 PM BST

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The Crysis Remastered Trilogy is coming to Epic Game Store during Oct 2021, 5 classic Final Fantasy games will be coming to PS Now, and the next PlayStation Showcase is next week!

Crysis Remastered Trilogy

The gaming industry is no stranger to remasters and reboots, and fans of the iconic Crysis series were ecstatic when Crytek announced the Crysis Remastered Trilogy. Set to release in October 2021, the trilogy brings back the beloved first-person shooter games with enhanced visuals and improved performance on modern platforms. This means that players can expect an uncapped frame rate and support for 4K resolution, truly taking advantage of the capabilities of today's gaming hardware.

For those who haven't had the opportunity to experience the Crysis games before, this remastered trilogy offers the perfect chance to delve into the series that made a significant impact when it first launched 14 years ago. Crysis quickly gained a reputation for pushing the boundaries of graphical fidelity and hardware requirements. It became a benchmark for PC gaming, with the question, "Can your PC even run Crysis?" being a popular meme among gamers. The game was technologically ahead of its time, demanding powerful systems to run at maximum settings and showcasing stunning visuals that left players in awe.

However, Crysis was not just about cutting-edge graphics. It offered a compelling and immersive gameplay experience as well. Players took on the role of a nanosuit-wearing soldier with superhuman abilities, navigating through a dynamic open-world environment and engaging in intense firefights with both human and alien adversaries. The nanosuit allowed players to adapt to different combat situations, giving them options to enhance their strength, speed, armor, or stealth capabilities. It was a game that rewarded strategic thinking and provided players with a sense of empowerment as they utilized the suit's abilities to overcome challenges.

One memorable moment from the first Crysis game was the epic tank battle that took place in a sprawling valley. Players found themselves engaged in a fierce confrontation against both enemy tanks and extraterrestrial forces, creating an exhilarating and memorable gaming experience. This sequence highlighted Crysis' ability to blend intense action with stunning visuals and showcased the game's ability to create memorable set pieces.

The first game in the Crysis Remastered trilogy was released last year, offering players a chance to revisit the iconic title with improved graphics and performance. However, with the upcoming release of the full trilogy, fans will have the opportunity to experience the entire series in its remastered glory. It is worth noting that the trilogy will likely be available on the Epic Games Store, and players who choose to purchase it there can support content creators by using codes such as "Mithrie."

PlayStation Showcase

In other gaming news, PlayStation recently announced an upcoming showcase event scheduled for Thursday, September 9, 2021, at 1:00 p.m. PST (9:00 p.m. UK time). This highly anticipated event promises to provide exciting insights into what the future holds for PlayStation 5 and its lineup of games. With the showcase expected to last around 40 minutes, fans can look forward to an extensive presentation featuring new game announcements, updates on previously revealed titles, and potentially even surprises in store.

As a proud owner of a PlayStation 5, I can't help but express my enthusiasm for the console and its ever-growing library of games. The showcase serves as a platform for Sony to demonstrate its commitment to delivering exceptional gaming experiences to players worldwide. With the powerful hardware capabilities of the PlayStation 5, developers have been able to create visually stunning and immersive games that take full advantage of the console's technological prowess.

While specific details about the showcase remain under wraps, the event is bound to generate significant buzz within the gaming community. Sony has a history of captivating audiences with its showcase events, and fans eagerly anticipate the unveiling of new titles, gameplay demonstrations, and exclusive announcements. These showcases have become moments of celebration for PlayStation enthusiasts, offering a glimpse into the future of gaming and generating excitement for what lies ahead.

Final Fantasy Games Coming to PS Now

In a move that delighted fans of the long-running Final Fantasy series, Sony recently announced that five classic titles from the franchise would be joining the PlayStation Now lineup. The games set to be added include Final Fantasy VII, Final Fantasy VIII, Final Fantasy IX, Final Fantasy X and X-2, and Final Fantasy XII. This addition provides both longtime fans and newcomers with an opportunity to experience the rich worlds, captivating stories, and unforgettable characters that have defined the Final Fantasy series over the years.

The Final Fantasy franchise has a storied history and has captivated millions of players around the world. Each entry in the series offers a unique and engrossing experience, showcasing the talent and creativity of the developers at Square Enix. From the sprawling open-world adventure of Final Fantasy VII to the emotional journey of Final Fantasy X, each game in the series has left an indelible mark on the gaming landscape.

For those who haven't had the chance to explore the Final Fantasy series, this addition to the PlayStation Now library presents an ideal opportunity to embark on a memorable gaming journey. Whether you prefer the classic pixel art of Final Fantasy VII or the more modern visuals of Final Fantasy X and X-2, there is something for everyone to enjoy. Each game offers its own unique blend of storytelling, gameplay mechanics, and memorable moments that have become hallmarks of the franchise.

Furthermore, playing the original Final Fantasy VII before diving into the highly acclaimed Final Fantasy VII Remake can enhance the overall experience. By experiencing the original game, players can gain a deeper understanding of the world, characters, and story, thereby allowing them to fully appreciate the creative reimagining presented in the Remake. This interconnectedness between the original titles and their remakes or sequels adds an additional layer of enjoyment and anticipation for fans of the series.

In conclusion, the gaming industry continues to evolve and provide exciting opportunities for both nostalgic gaming experiences and new adventures. The Crysis Remastered Trilogy brings back a beloved series with improved graphics and performance, allowing both newcomers and longtime fans to immerse themselves in the action-packed world of nanosuit-wearing soldiers. The upcoming PlayStation Showcase promises to showcase the future of gaming on the PlayStation 5, building upon the console's impressive library of games and generating anticipation among players. Finally, the addition of classic Final Fantasy titles to the PlayStation Now lineup offers a chance to explore the rich and captivating worlds of one of gaming's most beloved franchises. With these exciting developments on the horizon, gamers have plenty to look forward to in the coming months.

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Author Details

Photo of Mazen 'Mithrie' Turkmani

Mazen "Mithrie" Turkmani

I have been creating gaming content since August 2013, and went full-time in 2018. Since then, I have published hundreds of gaming news videos and articles. I have had a passion for gaming for more than 30 years!

Ownership and Funding is a Gaming News website owned and operated by Mazen Turkmani. I am an independent individual and not part of any company or entity.

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Use of Automated Content uses AI tools such as ChatGPT and Google Gemini to increase the length of articles for further readablity. The news itself is kept accurate by manual review from Mazen Turkmani.

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The news stories on are selected by me based on their relevance to the gaming community. I strive to present the news in a fair and unbiased manner, and I always link to the original source of the news story or provide screenshots in the video above.