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FF7 Remake PC Release: Return to Midgar on PC Platform

By Mazen "Mithrie" Turkmani
Published: December 10, 2021 at 1:23 PM GMT

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Final Fantasy 7 Remake PC will be released on 16 Dec 2021 via The Epic Games Store, be sure to use support a content creator code Mithrie if you want to support the Gaming News, Alan Wake 2 has been announced, and the developers behind Telltale Games return with a new studio called Dramatic Labs.

Alan Wake 2 Announced

Last night, The Game Awards showcased a thrilling display of 50 game trailers, unveiling numerous exciting announcements. Among the plethora of information shared, one announcement that captured the attention of many was the revelation of Alan Wake 2. Personally, I am eagerly looking forward to this sequel, having recently completed the remastered version of Alan Wake 1.

For those unfamiliar with the franchise, Alan Wake is a psychological horror game that immerses players in a gripping story-driven experience. The game revolves around the titular character, a best-selling author, who finds himself trapped in a nightmarish world where darkness and malevolent forces threaten his sanity and well-being. The atmospheric setting, clever storytelling, and intense gameplay elements of the original game garnered a dedicated fan base, making the announcement of a sequel all the more intriguing.

Alan Wake 2 promises to adopt a new approach, transitioning into the realm of horror survival, akin to the renowned Resident Evil franchise. This shift in gameplay dynamics is bound to introduce fresh challenges and thrills for players to navigate through. With the success of the first installment and the enthusiastic response from fans, it is no wonder that the reveal of Alan Wake 2 generated considerable excitement within the gaming community.

While specific details regarding the sequel are yet to be fully unveiled, the mere confirmation of its existence has already sparked numerous discussions and speculations. Fans and critics alike eagerly anticipate further information, hoping to catch a glimpse of what lies in store in Alan Wake's dark and nightmarish world.

Telltale Games Returns

In another surprising turn of events, Telltale Games, renowned developers known for their episodic narrative-driven adventure games, have made a triumphant return. Despite their unfortunate closure in the past, the talented individuals behind Telltale Games have regrouped to form a new studio called Dramatic Labs. This welcome resurrection opens doors to possibilities and endeavors that fans had feared would be lost forever.

Throughout their history, Telltale Games has delivered remarkable experiences, crafting interactive stories based on popular franchises such as The Walking Dead, Batman, and Game of Thrones. Their engaging gameplay mechanics and emphasis on choice and consequence have received acclaim from players worldwide. With Dramatic Labs, gamers can expect a continuation of Telltale Games' legacy, with the potential for new and captivating narratives across a variety of genres.

The resurgence of Telltale Games underscores the positive and resilient spirit of the gaming industry. Despite setbacks and closures, the passion for creating immersive storytelling experiences persists, allowing beloved studios to re-emerge and captivate audiences once again. The revival of Telltale Games brings hope that beloved franchises can be revisited, and new tales can be woven, enriching the gaming landscape with memorable characters, thought-provoking narratives, and impactful choices.

Final Fantasy 7 Remake PC Release Date

One of the most highly anticipated announcements from The Game Awards was the revelation that Final Fantasy 7 Remake will finally be coming to PC on December 16, 2021. Fans of this iconic franchise have long awaited the opportunity to experience the visually stunning and emotionally charged remake on their gaming rigs, and the wait is almost over.

The PC release of Final Fantasy 7 Remake will be available exclusively on the Epic Games Store, offering players the chance to relive the beloved story with enhanced graphics and the inclusion of the Intermission DLC, featuring the character Yuffie. The Intergrade version of the game, initially released for the PlayStation 5, introduces improved visuals and performance, elevating the breathtaking world of Final Fantasy 7 to new heights.

The announcement of the PC release not only delighted fans but also put an end to months of speculation and anticipation. Final Fantasy 7 Remake, hailed as a masterful reimagining of the original 1997 classic, garnered widespread critical acclaim upon its initial release on the PlayStation platform. The decision to expand to PC ensures that a wider audience can now partake in this epic journey through the world of Midgar, embracing the iconic characters, immersive storytelling, and unforgettable moments that have made Final Fantasy 7 such a beloved and enduring masterpiece.

In the coming week, gamers worldwide will finally have the chance to embark on this long-awaited adventure, exploring the intricately crafted world of Final Fantasy 7 Remake on the platform of their choice. The PC release promises to be a treat for both longtime fans and newcomers to the franchise, offering a visually stunning and emotionally resonant experience that will undoubtedly leave a lasting impression.

In conclusion, The Game Awards brought forth thrilling announcements that have left gamers excited for what lies ahead. From the long-awaited Alan Wake 2, promising a shift in gameplay dynamics, to the triumphant return of Telltale Games through Dramatic Labs, and the impending PC release of Final Fantasy 7 Remake, the gaming industry continues to evolve and captivate players with immersive experiences. These announcements serve as a testament to the resilience and creative brilliance of game developers, who strive to push boundaries and deliver memorable journeys for gamers worldwide.

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Author Details

Photo of Mazen 'Mithrie' Turkmani

Mazen "Mithrie" Turkmani

I have been creating gaming content since August 2013, and went full-time in 2018. Since then, I have published hundreds of gaming news videos and articles. I have had a passion for gaming for more than 30 years!

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The news stories on are selected by me based on their relevance to the gaming community. I strive to present the news in a fair and unbiased manner, and I always link to the original source of the news story or provide screenshots in the video above.