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FF16 Delayed: Awaiting New Release Date Update Details

By Mazen "Mithrie" Turkmani
Published: December 27, 2021 at 12:29 PM GMT

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Final Fantasy 16 has been delayed 6 months with an update from Naoki Yoshida the producer of the game explaining why, Genshin Impact 2.4 will be released on 05 Jan 2022, and Control is available for free on Epic Games Store for a few more hours.

Genshin Impact 2.4 Release Date

Genshin Impact Patch 2.4 is set to be released on January 5, 2022. The developers recently conducted a Special Program Live stream where they provided insights into the upcoming features of the patch. Players eagerly anticipate the new zone, two new characters, and various updates that will be introduced with this update. If you are an avid Genshin Impact player, mark your calendars for January 5th to experience the next major update.

Control Free on the Epic Games Store

In other news, Remedy Entertainment's game, Control, is currently available as a free download on the Epic Games Store for a limited time. This is a great opportunity to grab the game if you haven't already done so. Control is an immersive action-adventure game that offers a unique and gripping experience. I recently played through the Control Ultimate Edition on PlayStation 5 and I couldn't recommend it enough. The gameplay, storyline, and visuals are truly impressive. If you're curious about the game, you can check out my playlist of my playthrough linked below. Don't miss the chance to redeem this game for free as it is definitely worth it.

Final Fantasy 16 Delayed

Unfortunately, there is some disappointing news for Final Fantasy fans. Final Fantasy 16, the latest addition to the beloved franchise, has been delayed. Naoki Yoshida, the game's producer, recently released a statement explaining the reasons behind the delay. He mentioned that complications arising from the ongoing pandemic have impacted the game's development, resulting in a delay of almost half a year.

Final Fantasy 16 is being developed for the PlayStation 5 and has a talented team working on it. However, in order to adjust to the effects of the pandemic, the workforce had to be decentralized, with staff members working from home. This has led to communication issues and delays in asset deliveries from outsource partners. In response, the team has been actively addressing these challenges throughout 2021, with the goal of minimizing the impact by the new year. The focus is on polishing the game by improving graphic resource quality, refining combat mechanics, enhancing individual battles, finalizing cutscenes, and overall graphical optimization.

While the delay is disappointing, Yoshida also announced plans for the next round of information to be revealed in spring 2022. The team aims to build excitement leading up to the game's release by conducting a big reveal event, similar to the Final Fantasy 15 Unleashed event. The event will provide fans with a closer look at the features and gameplay of Final Fantasy 16.

As fans eagerly await the release of Final Fantasy 16, Yoshida extends his apologies to those who have been looking forward to learning more about the game. He expresses gratitude for their continued patience and emphasizes that the team is fully committed to the development and polishing of the game. With their combined efforts and determination, they aim to deliver a high-quality gaming experience that lives up to the legacy of the Final Fantasy series.

In conclusion, Genshin Impact Patch 2.4 is scheduled for release on January 5, 2022, bringing new content and updates to the game. Control, a highly acclaimed game by Remedy Entertainment, is currently available for free on the Epic Games Store for a limited time. Lastly, Final Fantasy 16 has been delayed due to complications arising from the ongoing pandemic, but the development team is actively working to minimize the impact and plans to reveal more information in spring 2022. Fans eagerly anticipate the eventual release of Final Fantasy 16 and look forward to the upcoming reveal event.

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Author Details

Photo of Mazen 'Mithrie' Turkmani

Mazen "Mithrie" Turkmani

I have been creating gaming content since August 2013, and went full-time in 2018. Since then, I have published hundreds of gaming news videos and articles. I have had a passion for gaming for more than 30 years!

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