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Locations Of All The Aether Currents In FFXIV

Are you new to Final Fantasy XIV's Aether Currents? Check out our beginner's guide, which covers everything to finding All Aether Currents in FFXIV!


Aether Currents: Garlemald


Aether Currents: Mare Lamentorum

Mare Lamentorum

Aether Currents: Thavnair


Aether Currents: Elpis


Aether Currents: Labyrinthos


Aether Currents: Ultima Thule

Ultima Thule


Aether Currents: Lakeland


Aether Currents: Il Mheg

Il Mheg

Aether Currents: Rak'tika Greatwood

The Rak'tika Greatwood

Aether Currents: Amh Araeng

Amh Araeng

Aether Currents: Kholusia


Aether Currents: The Tempest

The Tempest


Aether Currents: The Fringes

The Fringes

Aether Currents: The Peaks

The Peaks

Aether Currents: The Ruby Sea

The Ruby Sea

Aether Currents: Yanxia


Aether Currents: The Azim Steppe

The Azim Steppe

Aether Currents: The Lochs

The Lochs


Aether Currents: Coerthas Western Highlands

Coerthas Western Highlands

Aether Currents: Dravanian Forelands

Dravanian Forelands

Aether Currents: Churning Mists

Churning Mists

Aether Currents: Sea of Clouds

Sea of Clouds

Aether Currents: Dravanian Hinterlands

Dravanian Hinterlands



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