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Locations of All the Aether Currents in FFXIV The Fringes

Looking for all the Aether Currents in FFXIV The Fringes?
This comprehensive guide has everything you need to know about finding them.

Mastering Flight in The Fringes: A Comprehensive Aether Current Guide

Unlocking the ability to fly in The Fringes by finding all Aether Currents, including those awarded through quests, is a game-changer in Final Fantasy XIV. This capability not only enhances your exploration experience but also significantly streamlines your journey across this diverse landscape.

Detailed Locations of Aether Currents in The Fringes

In this instructional video, we delve into the locations of every Aether Current in The Fringes, a zone deeply affected by the Seventh Umbral Calamity, featuring landscapes like the Velodyna River and the Striped Hills. Progressing through the Patch 4.0 main scenario is required to fully unlock this area. For a visual guide to unlocking flying, click here.

The guide details the locations of Aether Current Orbs ("ORB") that you must interact with, and quests ("QUEST") that reward Aether Currents. Descriptions include precise coordinates to guide you, whether it's navigating the rocky ramps near Pike Falls, seeking an arch tree straight ahead, or uncovering an underground path. Each point is designed to lead you directly to your destination, with the assistance of your aether compass.

  • X:11, Y:16 ORB - Near the Ala Mhigan Resistance camp
  • Start at X:22, Y:10 ORB - Along the East End
  • X:28, Y:21 ORB - Close to Velodyna River
  • X:36, Y:16 ORB - By the Striped Hills
  • X:08, Y:11 QUEST "Magitnical Failure" - Loezkirz (Level 60)
  • X:09, Y:11 QUEST "The Hidden Truth" - Serpent Marshal Brokestone (Level 61)
  • X:30, Y:26 QUEST "Eyes Bigger Than Her Stomach" - M'Zimzizi (Level 67)
  • X:26, Y:20 QUEST "Unexpected Guests" - Prapti (Level 67)

As you journey from the north edge to the southern edge of The Fringes, uncovering Aether Currents hidden beneath rock ledges or at the end of a path straight through the East Tunnel, you'll gain a deeper appreciation for the resilience of the Ala Mhigan Resistance and the beauty of this rugged terrain. Your quest for Aether Currents not only aids the fight for freedom but also reveals the breathtaking views hidden within this region's churning mists.

Exploring Beyond The Fringes

This guide is part of a series aimed at adventurers eager to unlock flying in various zones across Eorzea and beyond, including Lakeland, Il Mheg, and the Churning Mists. As you complete main scenario quests and navigate through locations like underwater caves and rocky ramps, you'll not only contribute to the Ala Mhigan Resistance's efforts but also unlock the full potential of exploration in Final Fantasy XIV.


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