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Locations of All the Aether Currents in FFXIV Labyrinthos

Looking for all the Aether Currents in FFXIV Labyrinthos?
This comprehensive guide has everything you need to know about finding them.

Unraveling the Mysteries of Labyrinthos

Collecting all Aether Currents in Labyrinthos, through both exploration and quests, is crucial for adventurers in Final Fantasy XIV who seek the freedom to fly within this vast and enigmatic zone. This ability is unlocked after completing the main story quest "Bonds of Adamant(ite)," offering a new perspective on the zone's intricate landscapes and hidden secrets.

Guide to Aether Current Locations in Labyrinthos

This video guide meticulously outlines the locations of all Aether Currents in Labyrinthos. For those eager to soar through the skies of this zone, a detailed Flying Mount Unlock Guide is accessible here. Each current, marked as "ORB" for direct interaction points and "QUEST" for rewards from quests, is detailed with timestamps to facilitate easy video navigation.

Embarking on this journey will lead adventurers through the diverse biomes of Labyrinthos, from the lush, hidden groves to the stark, open research fields, each orb and quest unveiling a piece of the puzzle that is this sprawling underground ecosystem.

  • X:36.1, Y:22.8 ORB - Nestled in a quiet corner of the orchards
  • X:31.4, Y:15.9 ORB - Atop a secluded bluff overlooking the research fields
  • X:28.4, Y:06.0 ORB - Hidden within the depths of an experimental greenhouse
  • X:22.3, Y:15.7 ORB - Alongside a bustling path frequented by scholars
  • X:15.1, Y:13.3 ORB - Behind ancient ruins, shrouded in mystery
  • X:11.6, Y:18.9 ORB - Beneath the shade of towering flora
  • X:17.8, Y:16.4 ORB - By a tranquil pond reflecting the artificial sky
  • X:22.5, Y:24.8 ORB - Amidst the remains of a failed experiment
  • X:19.0, Y:34.9 ORB - On the edge of a cliff, offering views of the entire zone
  • X:10.5, Y:34.7 ORB - Within a hidden cave, forgotten by time
  • X:30.2, Y:19.3 QUEST "Distracted Archivist - Lost Little Troll" (Level 80)
  • X:20.9, Y:20.9 QUEST "Mussalfret - The Lad in Labyrinthos" (Level 80)
  • X:23.2, Y:19.9 QUEST "Viera Gleaner - Gleaner's Wish" (Level 80)
  • X:20.9, Y:21.4 QUEST "Vexed Veterinarian - Let The Good Times Troll" (Level 80)

Gathering Aether Currents in Labyrinthos isn't just about achieving the capability to fly; it's about piecing together the narrative of this underground sanctuary, exploring its scientific marvels, and unraveling the stories of those who seek refuge and purpose within its borders.

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