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Locations of All the Aether Currents in FFXIV Mare Lamentorum

Looking for all the Aether Currents in FFXIV Mare Lamentorum?
This comprehensive guide has everything you need to know about finding them.

Embarking on the Aether Current Quest in Mare Lamentorum

Finding all Aether Currents in Mare Lamentorum, including those obtained through quests, is crucial for adventurers in Final Fantasy XIV aiming to fly across this enigmatic zone. This endeavor becomes possible after completing the "Heart of the Matter" main scenario quest, enhancing your exploration capabilities and offering new perspectives on the zone's unique landscapes.

Locating Aether Currents in Mare Lamentorum

This video guide provides a comprehensive exploration of Aether Current locations in Mare Lamentorum. For an in-depth look at how to unlock flying in this area, refer to the Flying Mount Unlock Guide here. The guide specifies "ORB" locations for interactive Aether Current Orbs and "QUEST" rewards, complemented by clickable timestamps for direct access to each segment.

The journey to collect Aether Currents will take you through Mare Lamentorum's stark yet beautiful landscapes, from the naught but arid basalt fields to the remnants of the Watcher's Palace. Each discovery not only brings you closer to gaining the ability to fly but also invites you to conjure images of the zone's past, piecing together its stories and secrets.

  • X:29.2, Y:27.6 ORB - Amid the desolation of arid basalt fields
  • X:33.3, Y:23.7 ORB - Near the edge of the Watcher's Palace
  • X:18.9, Y:20.1 ORB - Overlooking the briny deep, where secrets lie buried
  • X:22.3, Y:18.1 ORB - Hidden within the shadows of ancient ruins
  • X:21.9, Y:13.7 ORB - At the brink of a forgotten chasm
  • X:22.0, Y:10.4 ORB - Alongside the remnants of a lunar settlement
  • X:11.8, Y:09.5 ORB - Beneath the gaze of a silent watcher
  • X:06.8, Y:06.8 ORB - Amidst the whispers of the past, untouched by time
  • X:27.8, Y:09.5 ORB - Where the ground meets the infinite sky
  • X:34.5, Y:13.3 ORB - In the heart of Mare Lamentorum's mysteries
  • X:22.0, Y:10.7 QUEST "Knockingway - Name That Way" (Level 80)
  • X:19.8, Y:11.0 QUEST "Brusque Loporit - Alluring Allag" (Level 80)
  • X:15.4, Y:11.6 QUEST "Watchingway - True Carrot Crimes" (Level 80)
  • X:15.7, Y:11.0 QUEST "Yawningway - Carrots: It's What's for Dinner" (Level 80)

Gathering Aether Currents in Mare Lamentorum is more than a prerequisite for flight; it's a journey through the remnants of a civilization, offering glimpses into the mysteries that Square Enix has intricately woven into the Final Fantasy XIV universe. With each current discovered, the storied past of Mare Lamentorum unfolds, enriching the adventurer's experience in this distant moonlit land.


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